Tag: Metal Roofing - page 4

Narrowing Down The Causes Of A Leaky Roof

Your roof is one of the most important elements of your home.  It is crucial that it remains on the top of the list of items that need to be regularly maintained.  Your roof helps to protect your home from the elements. It keeps the warm heat in during the cold winter months and the brisk air in during the hot months of summer.  Damage to the homes roof should immediately be repaired to avoid having to later replace the entire roof or worse yet damage to the structural integrity of the home itself.

When a home experiences a leak in the roof the root of the issue isn’t always easily narrowed in on.  There are a few common problems to look for if you notice a leak in your homes roof.

Missing Shingles

No matter what material your roof is made from it is susceptible to damage during inclement weather.  Shingling that blows off your homes roof leaves underlayment exposed.  If left exposed to the elements the underlayment material will quickly deteriorate and cause water leakage.

Issues with Pipe Flashing

There are several vent pipes that sit directly underneath your roof material.  Most often these vents are sealed well but occasionally corrosion occurs or the sealant is damaged and allows for a leak to occur.

Skylight and Chimney Flashing

The flashing around your chimney can leak if it becomes pulled away from the roof or if perhaps the sealant becomes worn.  Skylight leaks require a bit more troubleshooting as sometimes the leaks that occur are because of condensation.  Other times however, a leak may occur because of a crack in the skylight or worn out seal.


The little gutters that run down the interior angles of your roof line are known as valleys. When the little gutter flashings are damaged by weather, fungus or are improperly maintained they can lift away from the roofing and allow water to seep through the channel and into the home.  It is crucial to make sure that these valleys are properly cared for and kept intact to avoid leaks.

Ice Dams

During the winter months it is common to have snow melt and refreeze on the roof.  When this happens and ice dam occurs that does not allow the water to runoff into the gutter.  The water is then left backing up under the shingles and the process of freezing and refreezing is allowed to continue causing damage to the underlayment of the roofing.

If at any time you notice the above damage occurring within your homes roof it is time to call in a professional roof contractor to repair the damaged area.  The cost of repairing a roof is significantly lower than the cost of replacing a roof hence it is far more cost effective to preserve the roofs integrity for as long as possible.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at http://www.homeproroofingmi.com today.

Common Issues To Look For When Your Roof Is Leaking

When you are looking to find where a leak is coming from on your homes roof you may be overwhelmed at first.  Although know two roofs are alike there are still some commonalities when it comes to leakage issues.  There are a few common places that roofing contractor’s checkout first when homeowners mention that their roofs are leaking.  Below we will discuss what to look for if you should experience a leak in your roof.


Flashing is an essential element in roofing.  It is the metal piece that is used to attach vents and other ducting on the surface of the roof.  The metal flashing will most likely need to be replaced before the homes roof because as it ages it can crack and corrode.  Roof flashing is the number one point of failure on a roof and therefore should be the first place you inspect you suspect your roof is leaking.  Normal repair costs for flashing repairs on your homes roof usually range between ten and twenty dollars.

Vertical Slits

Another common place to look when you are experiencing a leak in your homes roof is the vertical slit between the shingles.  Water freely flows between the vertical slits in the shingles and thus causes corrosion.  This in turn can lead to a leak in the roof.

Missing Granules

All shingling is covered with an exterior stony coating.  This extra layer of coating on the shingle adds protection against ultra-violet rays.  When the stony coating starts to wear off the asphalt shingle it becomes exposed to the elements.  If you begin to notice bare spots in the shingling it is important to replace them before it becomes a problem.  If the bare spots in the shingling are left untreated water can start to cause water to pool and a leak to occur.


Skylights are a great way to let in the natural daylight however they are also a major contributor to leaks.  Water is allowed to run down the slop of the roof hitting the flat upper edge of the skylight getting trapped in there.  Another thing that can occur is cracking in the skylight.    Sealant to correct the issue costs about five dollars.  If the flashing is the cause of the leak it can cost anywhere between twenty five to eight dollars to replace.

If there is a leak it is important to address the cause of the problem before fixing the effects of the leak.    Chimneys are also another source of where leaks occur as well as the valleys in the roof.  If you are unable to locate the leak on your own call in a professional roofer to assist you evaluate the problem before the roof repair turns into roof replacement.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at http://www.homeproroofingmi.com today.

Don’t Install That New Roof Yourself Instead Hire A Roofing Contractor

Let’s face it there are certain jobs that homeowners should feel confident about tackling on their own and others that should be left to the professionals.  New roof installation is one of those home improvements that even the most experienced DIY homeowner shouldn’t tackle on their own.  No matter how many YouTube videos you watch or books you read there are more benefits to hiring a professional then trying to do it yourself.

Consider the benefits you receive when you hire a professional roofing contractor:

  • Experience
  • Safety
  • Time

Let’s look into each one of these separately to fully understand why hiring a roofing contractor is better than installing or repairing a roof on your own.

Experience: Most homeowners don’t specialize in roof installation or roof repair.  Most of us don’t have the expertise it takes to properly install a new roof.  Roofing contractors are like all other professionals, they spend hour upon hour on roofs perfecting their techniques.  In fact many professional roofers have spent a majority of their time before starting their own business working under roofing contractors with years of experience.  Contractors, no matter what their specialty, are required to become licensed to work in their area of expertise.

Roofing contractors are also knowledgeable on the materials it will take to cover a variety of different roofs.  Whereas many do it yourselfers tend to overestimate or underestimate just how much they will need in materials.  It won’t matter how much preplanning or research that is done installing a new roof on your home for the first time is an experiment.  Do you want that for your home?

Safety:   When working on a ladder or roof there is always a certain aspect of risk involved.  A number of accidents occur each year that are related to well meaning DIY homeowners that have fallen off their roofs resulting in injury or death. Consider the last time you took on a new skill.  It is almost guaranteed that the all of your concentration went into completing the task at hand verse your surroundings.  In certain situations this may be just fine but in roofing it could be incredibly dangerous.

Professional roofing contractors have the tools to get the job done while having the tools to keep them safe doing it.  Changes occur within every specialty in construction, the same is true of roofing.  Let the professionals who are skilled in their job, using their tools and techniques take on the job of replacing or repairing your homes shingle roof.  It will keep you safe on the ground where you belong.

Time: Most homeowners don’t have the time it takes to spend replacing their homes roof.  A full crew of skilled contractors can take up to a week to strip off old roofing shingles, replace worn out roofing and install the new roofing.  A lot of things factor into this: the weather, the number of crew members and the type of roofing material being applied.  The time you estimate that it will take you to complete your roof will be added to if the weather doesn’t cooperate, more materials are needed or any other number of factors.

Before you commit all of your free time to installing a new roof to your home really consider all of the benefits found with hiring a professional roofing contractor to do it for you.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at http://www.homeproroofingmi.com today.

Rid Your Roof Of Stains

Let’s face it shingle roofing, especially that installed on homes in the northern, humid states will develop some sort of unsightly dark staining or streaking from an accumulation of dirt, defective shingling, mold growth, mildew or the most common culprit algae.  Algae are easily spread because it is spread via airborne spores.  Little harm is actually done to roofing from algae however the stains are unsightly and decrease the value of your home.

There is a method that can be used to avoid algae stains or various inexpensive techniques to clean them from roofing once they have occurred.   Metal flashing can be utilized to prevent algae growth from occurring.  This occurs because the copper and zinc coating on the galvanized sheet metal is toxic to algae.  When it rains small amounts of metal get washed down the roof preventing the algae from growing.

Another way to prevent algae from growing on shingles is by installing shingling that is resistant to the growth of algae.  Many roofing material manufacturers have started offering shingles that have copper granules mixed into their product.  This development in roofing technology is something that homeowners should request when meeting with their new roof contractor.

Most important though, what do homeowners with algae growth already present on the roof do to clean their roofs?  As suggested with any home improvement project requiring a ladder or being up on the roof the first suggestion is to hire a professional roofer.  Professionals have the knowledge, time and tools available to remove the algae from your roof in a safe manner.

When using chemical cleaners to remove the built up algae from shingling the following items come in handy:

Roof Cleaner

Pump Sprayer

Garden Hose

Hose Nozzle

Safety Glasses

Rubber Gloves


If you do decide to clean the algae off of your roof on your own it is important to take safety precautions to ensure your safety.  Shingles that are wet even more dangerous so make sure to wear slip resistance footwear and a safety harness.  Be sure to also protect your eyes and skin when working with chemicals.  Another thing to consider is the vegetation beneath to avoid damage to landscaping.  Try to pick a cloudy day to work on to prevent the cleaner from evaporating before it has time to set into the shingle.

The basic recipe for the cleaning solutions is a quart of bleach, a gallon of water and a quarter cup of TSP.  Pour the ingredients together and transfer the solution into a sprayer.  After applying the cleaning solution to the shingles rinse them using a garden hose.

If you wish to prevent the algae from growing but aren’t ready for a roof replacement with the newer algae resistant shingling try installing a small strip of copper or zinc coated sheet metal along the side of the roof ridge.  This will offer those same benefits without having to replace your home roofing.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at http://www.homeproroofingmi.com today.

Hiring a Roofing Contractor Simplified

Hiring any contractor to do work around your home can be a challenging task.  When it comes to hiring a roofing contractor we have compiled a list of tips to make the selection process simpler.

Insurance: Contractors that do not come bearing insurance should not be allowed to do any work on or around your home.  Insurance is a must when hiring a professional.  Ask for proof of insurance from all contractors interested in being hired.  Professional contractors should have copies of both their worker’s compensation policy and liability insurance policies.  Part of the cost in hiring a professional to complete work on your home is the security of knowing that they are covered if an accident should occur while they are working around your home.

Local vs. National: When it comes to hiring a contractor it is always best to look to hire someone with a locally operated, established company with a reputable reputation within the community.  Hiring big chain contractors can end up disastrous.  You aren’t hiring an individual and their specific skill set you are hiring a crew that is contracted by the large chain.  This means that each time work is to be done around your home a new crew may be sent.  There is no continuity in the work that is performed.  Whereas using a local contractor you are dealing with one specific contact for projects throughout your home.  Another bonus is that local contractors also vouch for one another and are able to refer specialists when needed for different projects.

Price:  The cost should never be the driving factor on your decision to hire a roofing contractor.  A lot goes into creating a bid and each contractor may bid projects differently.  Some contractors bid the job low by leaving out incidentals like nails, caulking and roofing tar; items that are necessities for the project to be complete but add to the bid.  Look at the bid in its totality.  Ask questions when looking into exactly what is covered by the quote and what extra expenses you can expect to incur.

Everything in Writing:  You should be in control of the job from start to finish.  The home belongs to you, the money is coming out of your pocket and the end result is yours to live with.  Be sure that you never pay in full for a job that is not one hundred percent complete.  If you are unhappy with any aspect of the project you need to communicate in writing a clear and precise agreement with the roofing contractor to establish a procedure for the job to be completed to the specifications in the contract.

All communication between the two parties should be in written form to protect both of them from misunderstandings.  Don’t forget to ask for a detailed quote that includes specifics from materials to costs and quantity.  It is imperative to have details in your contract regarding the amount of time that the job is expected to be done in and the size of the crew that is intended to be on site each day.  Contracts should also detail the hours that work will be completed.

Hiring a roofing contractor, or any contractor, for that matter doesn’t have to be a hassle or a nightmare.  Be sure to follow the tips above to ensure you find a contractor that meets your needs now and in the future.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at http://www.homeproroofingmi.com today.

The Five Advantages Of Asphalt Shingles

The benefits of asphalt roofing are plentiful.  In this installment on shingle roofing we will look into the top five advantages of installing asphalt shingles over other roofing materials.

Adaptability:  Asphalt shingles are the best material for adapting to complex roofing structures.  If your homes roof has a steep slope or angles it is important to recognize how adaptable shingle roofing can be.  Oddly shaped roofs are often hard to conform to.  Roofing contractors use shingles to form to the most unique roofs.  Asphalt shingles allow solid coverage and can be formed to maximize coverage.  They can be manipulated into locations other materials would not be able to.

Assorted Design Options:  Homeowners often thing of flat, rectangular shingles when they think of asphalt.  Roofing contractors say this misconception is one of the biggest hurdles they have to contend with when talking to homeowners about the options available to them in 2016.  Shingles today come in a variety of patterns to compliment the architecture of any home.  There are shingles that replicate the look of wood shakes, hand cut slate, European clay and many other old world patterns.  The benefit of using a shingle replica is not only the decrease in cost but also the increase in longevity and reduced maintenance.

Highly Rated: Shingle roofing materials can withstand a variety of weather conditions.  Asphalt comes in a variety of class ratings the highest being class 4.  What this means is that it is resistant to a number of environmental aspects that other materials are not.   Asphalt shingles are popular in areas where the climate is ever changing.  When your home takes the beating that all four seasons hands out you need to know your choice can withstand whatever is thrown at it.  From ninety five degree, heat scorched sun filled days to thirty five below temperatures with freezing rain and ice shingles are created to endure.

Cost Effectiveness:  Asphalt is not only an affordable material to purchase it is also the most inexpensive material for roofing contractors to install.  Proper installation is crucial to ensure that you roof is going to stand up to the test of time.  Labor to install an asphalt roof is less expensive for a number of reasons.  It is a popular choice amongst homeowners and therefore the technique is one that professionals have mastered.  The average asphalt roof takes between one to three days to replace including the time it takes to strip old shingles and repair any areas that appear to be damaged.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at http://www.homeproroofingmi.com today.


Signs of Roof Damage After a Storm

Once again severe weather time is here for those of us in the north.  From lightening strikes to thunderstorms, strong winds and sand storms it all takes its toll on the exterior of our homes especially the roof.  Many times homeowners are clueless that there has even been damage to their homes.  Some will only notice damage months after the storms have rolled through.  It is important to identify damage as soon as possible to avoid extensive damage to the structure or foundation of the home.

After a storm has hit homeowners should take time to inspect their roof and home’s exterior.  It is best if small issues are identified and repaired before they become larger and more expensive problems that require extensive repairs.  If you suspect any damage has occurred to the roof after a storm it is best to call in a professional roofing contractor to perform a full inspection of your homes roof.    Most roofing companies offer free inspections or inspections for a fee that comes off the cost of needed repairs.

To assist homeowners we are including signs of roof damage to be aware of after a storm.  If a homeowner can see any of these it is important that they call in a roofing expert for further examination of the damage.

  • Shingling that is bent or folded
  • Shingles or roofing materials that have become dislodged
  • Any part of shingles or roofing materials within the homes yard
  • Roof buckling
  • Discoloration in the shingles
  • Ceiling discoloration
  • Light coming in from the attic space

Some of the damage, after a storm, can be difficult to see from street level.  Take a trip up onto the roof to look for shingling or other roofing materials that have dislodged.  If this is noticed it is important to have the roof inspected properly by a professional roofing contractor.  A contractor specializing in roofing can offer repair services or assist homeowners with insurance claims if a new roof is necessary.

Another common issue, buckling occurs in roofing when a roof is not properly ventilated or when shingles are laid one on top of another.  Noticing spots within the roof that are starting to buckle may indicate that you will need a new roof.

After an extreme wind storm it is possible to find dislodge roofing material in your yard.  One shingle may be easy to replace or repair however when multiple parts of shingling or other roofing materials are seen strewn about the yard it is a completely different issue.

Another sign of damage on a roof is discoloration.  Algae and moss can cause this discoloration and small leaks may occur.  A professional roofing contractor should be employed to restore the roof and treat the problem.

Discoloration on the outside isn’t the only issue that shows roofing damage.  If you see any signs of internal ceiling sagging or water spots it is time to inspect your homes attic.  Any light coming in from the attic space should be immediately repaired to prevent further issues.  This is especially true after heavy rains.

Roofs can be repaired if damage is caught early enough.  These repairs are far more inexpensive then completely replacing your roof which often occurs when homeowners let minor repairs stack up and don’t get properly fixed.  Proper roof care and maintenance will help maintain your roof, foundation and homes structural integrity.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at http://www.homeproroofingmi.com today.


Year Round Roofing Maintenance Tips

Your homes roof is in charge of shielding your family from the elements.  With your homes roof in constant defense mode it is important that it can continue to take a beating after years of wear and tear. In the northern climates the weather can go from below zero to seventy in less than a day or two.  We can experience wind and hail storms as severe as those living on the coast; it is inevitable that our roofs will be put to the test over and over again.  It is crucial that we continue to work and maintain the roofs structural integrity.

Roofing contractors are no strangers to the expense that is put on homeowners who need to replace their homes roof.  It is a costly procedure and when done incorrectly can jeopardize the entire foundation and structure of the home.  Most homeowners will only have to replace roofing once or twice in their lives.  It is not a process that most will need to become ultra familiar with.  To ensure that your roof has a long life and to minimize costly repairs, routine maintenance should be done on your homes roof.

Regularly Inspect Roofing Shingles

Shingles are the most visible aspect of your homes roof.  The shingles play a major part in keeping the barriers underneath dry.  If moisture is allowed to seep below the shingling the materials underneath may become moist and serious damage can occur. It may not seem like missing a shingle or to is that big of a deal however when left untreated a missing or damaged shingle can cause damage to the structure of the roof.

Roofing contractors also state that homeowners should evaluate the condition of the asphalt shingling.  If the granules that make up the shingle are starting to wear away the roof’s underlayment will quickly deteriorate due to the exposure to the hot sun.  If you start to notice a great deal of asphalt granules in the homes gutters it may be time to consider complete roof replacement. If you notice only a few bare shingles you may get by with replacing just those few.

Look For Leaks In The Attic

Checking for leaks is something that can be done inside of the home as well as outside.  The first place to look is the ceilings within the interior of the home.   If you can see any areas of discoloration or difference in the texture of the roofing it’s time to move to the attic.  Enter the attic on a super sunny day and look for any sun that shines through.  If you can see the light that means you have found the point of entrance for water.

Leaks are easier to repair when they are small and manageable.  Checking the homes attic for holes of light and repairing the issue is a more reasonable repair then when the damage is visible on the ceiling of the rooms within your home.  Take time to inspect the attic twice a year.  A quick peek can save you from having to replace the homes roof and ceilings.

Regular, simple roofing maintenance checks can save homeowners from costly roof repairs or replacements. Maintain your roof to allow it to continue to do the job it is meant to do.  A homes roof should last between twenty and thirty years when preventive maintenance checks are done and minor repairs are completed.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at http://www.homeproroofingmi.com today.

Your Roof Is Your Homes Hat

It is essential that your home have a structurally sound roof.  Your homes roof offers the first line of defense against the elements.  In order prevent minor issues from turning into something major it is vital to recognize potential problems and handle them as they arise.  Below you will find information to consider in determining if it is time to replace your roof.

The Age of Your Roof

Most roofing contractors agree that shingle roofs only last about twenty to thirty years.  Shingle roofing over thirty years old may look good from the ground but be suffering from a myriad of complex issues. Even if your homes roof looks great from the ground be sure to have a roofing contractor inspect the overall well-being of the structure to assess the overall condition of the roof.

Curling Shingles

There are two ways in which shingles can curl on a roof.  Cupping is when the edges of the shingles start to turn upwards.  Clawing is when the shingle edges are flat but the middle of the shingle starts to come up.  No matter which way your shingles are curling the indication is the same.  The shingles are weathered and are at risk for leaking.  Roofing contractors suggest that roofs showing signs of curling should be replaced within the next year to retain the integrity of the roofs structure.

Missing Shingling

As far as the function of your roof is concerned replacing a few shingles that come loose or that are missing.  It may difficult to find replacement shingles that match your current roof.  If you start to notice the shingles being bare of granules or your roof turning into a checker board then it may be time to replace the roof instead of trying to keep replacing the missing shingles.

Cracked Shingles

When a shingle becomes cracked or damaged it is most often because of wind damage.  If just a few of the shingles are cracked you are probably okay to just replace them.  If you or your roofing contractor notice that the cracked shingles are located sporadically throughout the roof it may be time to start thinking about replacing your entire roof.  When you see cracked shingles the roof has about two to three years left before it becomes an absolute necessity to be replaced.

 Gutter Granules

Loose granules located in gutters are a familiar site after a roof has been replaced however if you begin to see these granules emerge after the roof has been in place for a few years it is a sure sign the roof is going to need to be replaced.  The granules on asphalt shingles is in place to keep the sun off of the asphalt.  When the granules start to fall off of the shingles the roof will begin to “bake” leading to quicker deterioration.

Other issues that roofing contractors say to look for is shingles covered in moss or algae, if you see sunlight from anywhere in your attic or if you notice that the roof is beginning to sag.  As stated earlier, the homes roof is its first defense against the elements.  It is crucial in providing protection for the structural integrity of your home.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at http://www.homeproroofingmi.com today.

Get A Professional To Repair Your Roof

Dabbling in home improvement is something all new homeowners try.  DIY renovations are popular but really need to be considered before engaging in them.  There are many risks in taking on a project of any magnitude especially something as large as replacing a roof.  Below you will find 5 reasons it is best to leave replacing your roof to the pros.

Reasons to Hire a Professional Roofer Verse DIY

Risk of Falling Off:  When homeowners choose to repair or replace the roof of your home it is important to acknowledge the risk involved with falling off.  Falling from the roof, falling from a ladder both are realistic accidents that occur frequently when it comes to homeowners working on their roofs.  Balance and agility is needed in roofing that only experience can give.

Grueling Labor: Replacing a roof is a very time-consuming, exhausting job.  Most homeowners do not have enough time in their schedules to accommodate a job of this size.  Think about the last time a light bulb burned out in the bathroom light fixture.  Remember how it took two weeks to remember to purchase and install a new one?  Roofing needs to be taken off and put back on in a timely fashion to avoid damage to the roof’s underlayment that can occur when it is left uncovered for any amount of time.  A professional roofer has a team of experts to assist with the repair or replacement of the roof.  Many roofs can be removed and replaced within the same day.

Insurance Coverage: If the roof has been damaged in a storm or by natural cause’s homeowners insurance will most often cover the materials and labor needed to repair or replace the roof.  Many roofing companies will even help you throughout the insurance claim process.

Missing a Step: Homeowners that are not familiar with roofing may miss a step when replacing their homes roof.  There is a lot to remember when repairing or replacing a roof.  Professional roofers have experience in installing new roofs.  With experience comes developing a process which helps prevent missing any crucial steps in the replacement process.

No Warranty: Professional roofers most often offer a warranty on the work that they do.  This is not something that DIY get when they replace their own roofs.  If a mistake is made DIY homeowners are left on their own to cover the expenses occurred.

Roofing is one home improvement that is best kept to the professionals.  A homes roof protects the house on a whole from the foundation to the structural integrity.  Any missed step along the way could be detrimental to the roofs integrity leading homeowners to larger issues then they had before.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at http://www.homeproroofingmi.com today.