Category: EB Mortgage

Green Financing: Eco-Friendly Options in Commercial Property Lending

Image depicting plants growing at the same rate as money invested.

The concept of sustainability has become a critical consideration in nearly every industry, with the real estate sector experiencing a significant transformation in how properties are financed. Green financing, especially in the context of commercial real estate, offers a pathway not only towards environmental stewardship but also towards potentially lucrative financial strategies. This blog explores the growing trend of sustainable and environmentally friendly financing options available for commercial property projects.

Understanding Green Financing

Green financing refers to any structured financial activity — a loan, investment, or other financing mechanism — created to ensure a positive environmental impact alongside a financial return. In the realm of commercial real estate, this translates to funding the acquisition, development, and operation of properties with a reduced carbon footprint.

Why Green Financing?

The shift towards green financing is driven by several factors:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Increasingly stringent regulations on environmental sustainability are compelling businesses to adopt greener practices. Financing that supports these practices can ease the compliance burden.
  • Corporate Responsibility: There’s a growing recognition that sustainable practices in real estate development and management are integral to corporate social responsibility.
  • Investor Demand: Investors are increasingly directing funds towards assets that demonstrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. Properties with better sustainability profiles tend to attract more investment.
  • Economic Benefits: Green buildings often result in lower operational costs through energy efficiency and can attract higher rental rates and property values.

How Does Green Financing Work?

Green financing instruments in commercial real estate can include green bonds, green loans, and sustainability-linked loans, among others. Here’s how they typically work:

  • Green Bonds: These are fixed-income instruments specifically earmarked for raising money for climate and environmental projects. The proceeds are typically invested in sustainable infrastructure, energy efficiency upgrades, and other eco-friendly projects.
  • Green Loans: Like green bonds, these are meant for financing or refinancing projects with clear environmental benefits. The difference lies in the flexibility of usage and typically less stringent reporting requirements compared to bonds.
  • Sustainability-Linked Loans: These loans are increasingly popular, where the financial terms can improve if the borrower meets certain predetermined sustainability performance targets.

Examples of Green Financing in Action

Several high-profile cases demonstrate the effectiveness and benefits of green financing in commercial real estate. For instance, a notable office building in New York City recently secured a significant green loan to implement energy-efficient systems and sustainable materials in its construction. Another example is a commercial developer in California who issued green bonds to refurbish existing properties with solar panels and energy-efficient HVAC systems.

Challenges and Considerations

While green financing is promising, it’s not without challenges. These may include:

  • Higher Upfront Costs: Although the long-term benefits are clear, the initial investment for sustainable technologies and designs can be higher than traditional methods.
  • Complex Certification Processes: Obtaining certifications like LEED or BREEAM can be complex and time-consuming.
  • Market and Regulatory Risks: Changes in regulatory frameworks and market dynamics can affect the viability and benefits of green financing projects.

The Future of Green Financing in Commercial Real Estate

As awareness and commitment towards environmental sustainability grow, the future for green financing in commercial real estate looks promising. Innovations in financial products and collaboration across governments, investors, and developers will likely expand. Moreover, as technology advances, the cost of implementing sustainable practices is expected to decrease, making green financing an increasingly attractive option.

Green financing not only supports environmental goals but also offers a compelling business case, making it a win-win scenario for developers, investors, and the planet alike. As the market evolves, staying informed and adaptable will be key to capitalizing on the opportunities presented by green financing in commercial real estate.


EB Mortgage is a locally owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us or e-mail us today! 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Forecasting the Housing Market: The Second Half of 2024

image of decoy houses in front of housing market graph

In the latter half of 2024, the outlook for the U.S. housing market remains mixed among experts. Glenn Kelman, CEO of Redfin, optimistically noted on CNBC that the market had reached its lowest point in the first quarter and anticipates some improvement moving forward. However, Jeff Ostrowski from described the market as unpredictable and unusual.

A notable trend is the increase in home listings, partially due to the easing of the mortgage rate lock-in effect, which had previously deterred homeowners from selling due to higher current mortgage rates. According to, the week ending June 1 saw a 2.1% increase in new listings and a 35.5% rise in available inventory compared to the previous year.

Despite these increases, the supply boost hasn’t been sufficient to meet the high demand, exacerbated by affordability challenges which may slow the conversion of listings to sales, as noted by Doug Duncan of Fannie Mae. While mortgage rates have recently decreased slightly, with the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage dropping to 6.99% as of early June, this decrease hasn’t significantly spurred buyer activity.

Looking ahead, some anticipate that the Federal Reserve may lower interest rates by fall, potentially reducing mortgage rates to around 6.5% by the year’s end. Yet, any relief might be offset by rising home prices, which continue to climb, diminishing the impact of lower interest rates on overall affordability. Ostrowski remains skeptical about any national decrease in home prices, predicting that the market could even see record highs this summer.

In summary, while more homes are coming onto the market and mortgage rates are showing some movement, significant challenges persist. High prices continue to pose barriers to affordability, particularly in areas that saw major increases during the pandemic, and the broader expectation is that the housing market will continue to experience growth in most metropolitan areas.

For unique lending solutions that many other institutions don’t provide, contact EB Mortgage for the ideal financing plan.


EB Mortgage is a locally owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us or e-mail us today! 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Commercial Property Lending for Real Estate Developers:  7 Tips and Best Practices

Image of condo development obtained through commercial lending.

Securing financing for commercial projects presents unique challenges and opportunities for real estate developers. Understanding the landscape of commercial property lending and employing strategic approaches can significantly enhance the likelihood of obtaining favorable terms. This article provides essential tips and best practices for real estate developers looking to navigate the complex terrain of commercial property lending.

1. Understand the Financing Options Available

Commercial property loans differ substantially from residential mortgages. Some of the common types of commercial real estate loans include traditional mortgages, bridge loans, construction loans, and mezzanine financing. Each type has its own set of requirements, terms, and benefits. For example, traditional mortgages are typically long-term with fixed interest rates, whereas bridge loans are short-term with higher rates but offer quicker access to funds. Developers should thoroughly research each option to determine the best fit for their project’s needs.

2. Prepare a Robust Business Plan

Lenders need to feel confident in your project and your ability as a developer to execute it successfully. A comprehensive business plan that includes market analysis, projected cash flows, and detailed construction plans is essential. This plan should justify the project’s viability and highlight your experience and track record in the industry. The more detailed and convincing your plan, the higher your chances of securing funding.

3. Build Strong Relationships with Lenders

Developing a strong relationship with potential lenders can be as crucial as the business plan itself. Whether you’re dealing with banks, private lenders, or credit unions, personal relationships can influence lending decisions. Attend industry events, join real estate development associations, and engage in networking opportunities to build and maintain these relationships. Frequent communication and transparency in your dealings can also establish trust and credibility.

4. Be Prepared for Higher Costs and Down Payments

Commercial loans often come with higher down payments and additional costs not seen in residential lending. Depending on the project’s perceived risk, lenders might require anywhere from 20% to 40% down. Moreover, appraisal fees, environmental assessments, and loan origination fees can add to the upfront costs. Developers must be financially prepared to cover these expenses to smooth the lending process.

5. Highlight the Unique Aspects of Your Project

When seeking financing, it’s crucial to differentiate your project from others. Unique selling points—location advantages, innovative design, or sustainability features—can make your project more attractive to lenders. These factors not only help in securing financing but can also contribute to the project’s long-term success and profitability.

6. Consider the Impact of Economic and Market Trends

The real estate market is influenced by broader economic conditions, and understanding these trends can help you better time your financing requests. Interest rates, economic growth, and real estate market cycles all play a role in the availability and terms of lending. Keep abreast of market forecasts and economic trends to make informed decisions about when to seek financing.

7. Manage Risks Wisely

Developers must identify and manage risks associated with their projects to reassure lenders. This involves thorough risk assessment strategies, including market demand analysis, contingency planning, and securing appropriate insurance coverage. Demonstrating that you have considered potential pitfalls and have plans in place to address them can make your project a more secure investment for lenders.

Navigating the world of commercial property lending requires a keen understanding of the financing landscape, a well-crafted business plan, and strong relationships with lenders. By following these tips and best practices, real estate developers can enhance their prospects for securing the necessary funding for their commercial projects, thereby paving the way for successful real estate development endeavors.

For nationwide, wholesale commercial lending – contact the experts at EB Mortgage.

EB Mortgage is a locally owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us or e-mail us today! 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

How to Qualify for a Commercial Property Loan: Requirements and Eligibility

Image of a female business owner who obtained a DSCR loan.

Securing a commercial property loan is a critical step for any business owner looking to expand, diversify, or enter the real estate market. Unlike residential loans, commercial loans come with unique challenges and requirements. Understanding these can significantly enhance your chances of approval. This article will explore the key criteria borrowers must meet to qualify for a commercial property loan, including credit scores, income requirements, and property types.

1. Credit Score Requirements

One of the primary factors lenders consider in the approval process of a commercial property loan is the borrower’s credit score. A strong credit score not only improves your chances of securing a loan but can also influence the terms of the loan, including the interest rate. Most commercial lenders look for:

  • Minimum Score: Typically, a credit score of at least 660 is required to qualify for most commercial property loans. Higher scores are often necessary for more competitive rates.
  • History and Reports: Lenders will examine the length and quality of your credit history and any past bankruptcies or defaults.

2. Income and Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)

Lenders need to ensure that you can repay the loan. They will evaluate your debt service coverage ratio, which measures the cash flow available to pay current debt obligations. The DSCR is calculated as:

DSCR = Net Operating Income/Total Debt Service

  • Ideal DSCR: Most lenders prefer a DSCR greater than 1.25x. This means that the net operating income should be sufficient to cover the loan payments by 125%.

3. Down Payment

Commercial property loans typically require a larger down payment compared to residential loans — usually between 20% and 30% of the property’s purchase price. This up-front capital demonstrates your commitment to the investment venture and reduces the lender’s risk.

4. Property Type and Usage

The type of property you intend to purchase affects loan eligibility. Lenders consider factors such as the property’s condition, location, market value, and profitability. Common types of commercial properties include:

  • Office Buildings
  • Retail Centers
  • Warehouses
  • Industrial Buildings
  • Multi-family Housing Units

Each category has different risk profiles and market demands, which influence loan terms.

5. Business Financials

Your business’s financial health is also crucial in the loan approval process. Lenders will look at:

  • Business Finances: Detailed records of income, cash flow, and expenses.
  • Profitability: Your business should be profitable over the past 2-3 years to reassure the lender of your ability to repay the loan.
  • Financial Ratios: Besides DSCR, key ratios include loan-to-value ratio (LTV) and liquidity ratios.

6. Experience in Real Estate or Business

Experience can play a pivotal role in obtaining a commercial property loan. Lenders are more likely to approve loans if the borrower has a track record of managing similar investments or businesses effectively.

7. Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Ensure all your business and property documents are in order. This includes property deeds, past loan documents, business licenses, and compliance certificates. Proper documentation speeds up the loan process and enhances your eligibility.

8. Professional Relationships

A good relationship with a bank or financial institution can ease the process significantly. If you have previously worked with a lender or have a good banking history, they may be more favorable in terms of loan conditions.

Qualifying for a commercial property loan involves a thorough examination of your financial status, the property in question, and your business sence. Start by reviewing your credit report, assessing your financial health, and understanding the specific requirements of the property you aim to purchase. Consult with a financial advisor or a mortgage professional, such as EB Mortgage, to better prepare for the application process. Proper preparation and understanding of the above factors will put you in a strong position to secure a commercial property loan that suits your investment needs.

Looking to secure a commercial property loan? EB Mortgage offers more products, more options, and more solutions for your mortgage needs. Contact us today!

EB Mortgage is a locally owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us or e-mail us today! 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

How the SBA 504 Loan Program Can Benefit Your Business

Image of a gold piggy bank with stacks of money laid aside it.

Owning commercial property can be a pivotal step for small business owners, offering stability and the potential for significant growth. However, navigating the maze of commercial real estate financing can be daunting. This is where the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) 504 loan program comes into play, offering a lifeline to entrepreneurs aiming to purchase or refinance commercial properties. Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding how the SBA 504 loan program works and the benefits it can bring to your business.

What is an SBA 504 Loan?

The SBA 504 loan program is designed to aid small businesses in acquiring or improving commercial real estate and other fixed assets. The SBA collaborates with Certified Development Companies (CDCs) and lenders through this program to provide small business owners with long-term, fixed-rate financing. This is mainly aimed at promoting economic growth within the community.

How Does an SBA 504 Loan Work?

An SBA 504 loan is typically structured with three parties: the borrower, a bank or a private sector lender, and a CDC. The breakdown of financing is as follows:

  • 50% from the bank/lender: This portion of the loan comes directly from a bank or another lending institution and holds a first lien on the asset. The loan must be at least 50% of the total project cost.
  • Up to 40% from the CDC: Financed through a 100% SBA-guaranteed debenture, this portion holds a second lien position and can cover up to 40% of the total project cost, with a cap of $5 million ($5.5 million for manufacturing projects or projects that meet certain energy efficiency goals).
  • 10% equity from the borrower: The business owner is required to contribute at least 10% of the project’s cost. This requirement ensures that the borrower is significantly invested in the project’s success.

Benefits of the SBA 504 Loan

1. Low Down Payment: The typical 10% down payment is significantly lower than what is required for traditional commercial loans, making it more accessible for small businesses.

2. Fixed Interest Rates: The 504 loan offers fixed interest rates on the CDC portion, providing businesses with predictable monthly payments and protection from future interest rate increases.

3. Long-Term Financing: Loan terms can extend up to 20 or 25 years for real estate and ten years for equipment, providing businesses with long-term stability and lower monthly payments.

4. Ownership Equity: By investing in commercial property, businesses can build equity over time, which can be beneficial for future financing needs or business expansion.

Eligibility and Use of an SBA 504 Loan

To qualify for an SBA 504 loan, a business must operate for profit in the United States, have a tangible net worth of less than $15 million, and have an average net income of less than $5 million after federal income taxes for the two years preceding the application. The financing obtained through this program can be used for:

  • Purchasing land and buildings
  • Constructing new buildings or renovating existing ones
  • Buying machinery and equipment with a service life of at least ten years
  • Refinancing debt in connection with an expansion of the business through new or renovated facilities or equipment

How to Apply for an SBA 504 Loan

Applying for an SBA 504 loan involves working with a CDC and a participating lender, such as EB Mortgage. The first step is to contact a CDC in your area, which will guide you through the application process, including the initial paperwork and gathering the necessary financial statements.

For small business owners looking to purchase or refinance commercial properties, the SBA 504 loan offers a compelling financing solution. With its low down payment requirement, fixed interest rates, and long-term financing, the 504 loan can provide the stability and resources needed to take your business to the next level. Consulting with a knowledgeable mortgage lender or broker who specializes in SBA loans can provide you with personalized guidance and help streamline the application process.

Interested in obtaining a SBA 504 Loan? Contact EB Mortgage for wholesale mortgage solutions.  

EB Mortgage is a locally owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us or e-mail us today! 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

The Basics of Commercial Property Lending

Image of a small downtown commercial property.

Commercial property lending is an intricate part of the real estate industry, providing essential financial support for acquiring, developing, and refinancing commercial properties. This guide aims to demystify the complex world of commercial property lending, offering insight into the types of properties involved, the lending process, and the key players in the industry.

What is Commercial Property Lending?

Commercial property lending refers to the process of providing loans to businesses and investors to purchase, develop, or refinance commercial real estate. Unlike residential lending, which focuses on homes and apartments for individual use, commercial lending targets properties used for business purposes. These loans are crucial for businesses looking to expand their operations, investors seeking to add to their portfolios, and developers aiming to bring new projects to life.

Types of Commercial Properties

Commercial properties come in various forms, each serving different business needs and investment strategies. Here are the main types of commercial properties involved in commercial lending:

  • Office Buildings: These range from small professional offices to skyscrapers, catering to businesses needing a workspace.
  • Retail Spaces: This category includes shopping centers, malls, and standalone stores, offering areas for retail businesses.
  • Industrial Properties: Warehouses, factories, and distribution centers fall into this category, serving manufacturing and logistics purposes.
  • Multifamily Complexes: Although residential in nature, apartment buildings with five or more units are financed through commercial loans.
  • Mixed-Use Developments: Properties combining residential, commercial, and sometimes industrial spaces, tailored for diverse uses.
  • Special Purpose: This broad category includes hotels, healthcare facilities, educational buildings, and other specialized properties.

Key Players in Commercial Property Lending

The commercial property lending ecosystem comprises various stakeholders, each playing a critical role in the financing process:

  • Banks and Financial Institutions: Traditional lenders offer a range of commercial real estate loans with varying terms and rates.
  • Insurance Companies: Significant players providing long-term loans, often favoring lower-risk, high-quality properties.
  • Private Lenders: Entities or individuals offering more flexible, sometimes more expensive, lending options.
  • Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs): Organizations like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, offer multifamily loans with competitive terms.
  • Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS) Lenders: Investors in the securitization market, providing loans that are then bundled and sold as securities.

The Lending Process

Securing a commercial real estate loan involves several steps, from initial application to final approval:

  1. Pre-Approval: Borrowers provide financial details and the property’s information to gauge eligibility.
  2. Loan Application: Submission of detailed financial documents and property appraisals.
  3. Underwriting: Lenders assess the risk, examining the borrower’s creditworthiness and the property’s value.
  4. Approval and Closing: Once approved, terms are finalized, and the loan is closed, allowing funds to be disbursed.

Commercial property lending is a vital component of the real estate sector, enabling the purchase and development of properties that fuel economic growth. Understanding the types of properties involved, the key players and the lending process is crucial for anyone looking to navigate this field successfully. Whether you’re an investor, a business owner, or a developer, grasping the basics of commercial property lending can open new opportunities and help you make informed decisions.

Contact the finance experts at EB Mortgage for wholesale commercial lending solutions.


EB Mortgage is a locally owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us or e-mail us today! 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Unlock Real Estate Investment Opportunities with DSCR Loans

With careful planning and a strategic approach, DSCR loans can pave the way for a prosperous and sustainable venture into the world of real estate investment. Read on to learn more about Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) loans.

Navigating Cash Flow Concerns in Real Estate Investments

Investing in real estate can be both exciting and daunting, especially when considering the financial implications. Traditional mortgage products often require a detailed history of personal income, which can be a significant hurdle for investors who may not have a steady income stream but possess substantial investment potential. This is where DSCR loans come into play, offering a unique solution for aspiring real estate investors concerned about cash flow issues.

Understanding DSCR Loans: A Key to Real Estate Investment

DSCR loans are designed specifically for investment properties and focus on the cash flow generated by the property itself, rather than the investor’s personal income. The key metric here is the DSCR, a ratio that compares the property’s annual rental income to the annual mortgage debt service (including principal, interest, taxes, insurance, and homeowner association fees, if applicable). A DSCR of 1 means the property’s income covers all its annual debt, while a higher ratio indicates a surplus. Lenders typically look for a DSCR of 1.25 or more, providing a cushion against potential vacancies or unexpected expenses.

The Advantages of DSCR Loans for Real Estate Investors

DSCR loans offer several advantages. First, they allow investors to qualify based on the property’s income potential, bypassing the traditional income verification process. This is particularly beneficial for self-employed individuals or those with variable incomes. Additionally, these loans often come with the option for interest-only payments, further easing the initial cash flow burden. This flexibility can enable investors to scale their portfolios more rapidly.

Making an Informed Decision: Is a DSCR Loan Right for You?

While DSCR loans offer a path to investment for those concerned about cash flow, it’s essential to approach them with a clear understanding of the risks and benefits. These loans might carry higher interest rates than traditional mortgages, reflecting the lender’s increased risk. Additionally, investors should have a solid plan for managing the property, ensuring it generates sufficient rental income to cover the loan and other expenses.

For those looking to dive into real estate investment but worried about cash flow constraints, DSCR loans can be a game-changer. By focusing on the income-generating potential of the property rather than the investor’s personal income, these loans open doors to investment opportunities that might otherwise be inaccessible. With thoughtful preparation and a tactical approach, DSCR loans can lay the foundation for a successful and enduring journey in real estate investment.

Looking for a mortgage solution that fits your needs; contact or call (616) 228-8797 EB Mortgage today!

EB Mortgage is a locally owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us or e-mail us today! 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Economic Factors Influencing Commercial Property Loans

In the dynamic world of commercial real estate financing, understanding the myriad economic factors influencing commercial property loans can be complicated, to say the least. Commercial lending is not just figures on a balance sheet; they are deeply affected by various macro- and microeconomic elements. Numerous factors play pivotal roles, from the overarching health of the economy to the specific conditions in the real estate market. In this article, we briefly review the key economic influences, such as interest rates, economic growth, inflation, and more, that shape the world of commercial property lending.

Economic Growth: The overall health of the economy impacts commercial property loans. In a growing economy, businesses expand, increasing the demand for commercial properties and, consequently, for loans. Conversely, in a downturn, loan demand may decrease.

Real Estate Market Conditions: The supply and demand dynamics in the real estate market influence commercial property values and the perceived risk of lending for such projects.

Fluctuating Interest Rates: Are among the mostsignificant factors affecting commercial property loans. Higher interest rates can lead to increased borrowing costs, influencing both the demand for loans and the feasibility of commercial real estate projects.

  • Impact on Real Estate: High-interest rates can significantly affect commercial real estate, especially for owners with near-term debt maturities or investors looking to develop or acquire properties​​.
  • Lending and Investment Strategies: Rising interest rates can lead to a reevaluation of deal economics, with lenders becoming cautious about the impact on debt service coverage ratios​.

Stabilizing Inflation: High inflation can lead to higher interest rates, which can increase the cost of borrowing. It can also affect the value of properties and rental incomes, impacting the feasibility of commercial real estate investments.

  • Construction and Operating Costs: Inflation directly impacts property construction and operating costs. Costs driven by supply chain disruptions and increased wages due to worker shortages are significant factors​​.
  • Utilities and Insurance: Costs for utilities and property insurance are also likely to remain high, partly due to climate change and geopolitical factors​​.

Consumer Confidence and Recession: The fear of a recession can impact consumer spending and investment decisions. Additionally, the level of consumer confidence significantly influences the retail and hospitality sectors, affecting both the demand for and value of these properties.

Global Economic Trends: In today’s interconnected world, global economic trends can have a significant impact on local economies and, by extension, on commercial property loans.

Government Policies: Regulatory policies, including zoning laws, tax policies, and real estate regulations, can impact commercial property investment and lending. For instance, favorable tax treatment for certain types of properties can stimulate demand for loans.

Employment Rates: Employment levels in an area can affect the demand for commercial real estate. Higher employment usually leads to increased demand for office and retail spaces, influencing the number of commercial property loans.

Lender Confidence and Credit Availability: Economic factors can affect lenders’ confidence and their willingness to finance commercial real estate projects. Financial stability tends to make lenders more willing to issue loans, while instability can make them more cautious. The broader availability of credit in the financial system can impact how easily borrowers can secure commercial property loans.

How the market responds is based on sector-specific impacts. Various commercial property sectors respond differently to these economic factors. For example, hospitality and retail might be cushioned against a downturn due to low unemployment rates and high job openings​​. Understanding these factors is crucial for investors, developers, and lenders in making informed decisions about commercial property investments and loans.


EB Mortgage is a locally owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us or e-mail us today! 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Banks vs. Private Lenders in Commercial Property Financing

When comparing commercial property financing options between banks and private lenders, it’s important to consider the pros and cons of each. It’s also imperative to take into effect how economic factors like interest rates, market trends, and economic cycles can influence the availability and terms of these loans. Read on to discover more.

Basics of Bank Lending

  • Lower Interest Rates: Banks are generally able to offer lower interest rates than private lenders​ because they serve larger populations​.
  • Regulation and Standards: Banks are subject to state and federal regulations, making them more stringent in their lending criteria. This means they often have higher lending standards, making it difficult for borrowers with less-than-ideal financial histories to qualify​​.
  • Credit and Financial History: Banks tend to focus on the borrower’s credit and documented income sources, making it challenging for self-employed borrowers to qualify​​.

Basics of Private Lending

  • Flexible and Fast Lending: Private lenders are known for their flexibility and quick processing. They are a go-to option in urgent financing situations​​.
  • Higher Interest Rates and Costs: Private lenders sometimes charge higher interest rates and have other costs like legal fees, which are eventually passed over to the borrower​​.
  • Customizable and Less Rigid: Private lenders offer more customizability in loan terms and are less rigid in their qualifying standards, such as credit scores and debt-to-income levels​​.
  • Creative and Investigative Lending Standards: Private lenders are often more creative in their loan processing standards and may overlook certain background flaws if the borrower can provide a reasonable explanation​​.

Choosing the Right Finance Lender

If you have a solid, strong financial history, good credit, and proof of income, and you’re not in a hurry to obtain financing, then a bank may be a better choice due to its lower rates. However, if you have a more challenging financial history and your need for funds is more urgent, a private lender might be a more suitable option. The right financing choice ultimately depends on your unique circumstances and financial goals.

Take Economic Factors into Consideration

The choice between banks and private lenders for commercial property financing depends on various factors, such as the borrower’s financial history, the type of property, and the urgency of financing needs. Additionally, economic factors like interest rates, inflation, and the risk of recession can significantly influence the terms and availability of commercial property loans, with each sector responding differently to these macroeconomic variables. Choosing the right financing requires carefully evaluating your financial circumstances and considering the broader economic conditions.

We make obtaining commercial loans easy. Contact EB Mortgage today to learn more!


EB Mortgage is a locally owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us or e-mail us today! 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

The Role of Commercial Property Appraisals in Lending

A ‘For Sale’ sign in the window of a store to signify the importance of commercial property appraisals when lending.

When securing financing for a commercial real estate venture, one critical step that often goes under the radar is the property appraisal. Commercial property appraisals play a pivotal role in the lending process, influencing loan amounts and interest rates. In this article, we’ll explore how property appraisals work in commercial lending and why they are so crucial.

Understanding Property Appraisals

Commercial property appraisals are thorough assessments of a property’s value conducted by certified appraisers. These professionals take into account various factors, including the property’s location, size, condition, and comparable sales in the area. The goal is to determine an accurate and objective estimate of the property’s current market value.

Importance in Determining Loan Amounts

One of the primary roles of a property appraisal in commercial lending is to establish the collateral’s value. Lenders use this value to determine how much they are willing to lend. The loan-to-value ratio (LTV) is an essential metric derived from the appraisal. Generally, lenders will offer a loan amount based on a certain percentage of the appraised value, typically ranging from 65% to 80%. A higher appraisal value can lead to a larger loan amount, giving borrowers more financial leverage.

Impact on Interest Rates

Property appraisals also influence interest rates. Lenders often provide more favorable terms, including lower interest rates, for loans with lower LTV ratios. If the appraisal value is high and the LTV ratio is low, it signals to the lender that the loan is less risky, resulting in more competitive interest rates for the borrower.

Mitigating Risk

Property appraisals serve as a risk mitigation tool for lenders. Lenders can make informed lending decisions by having a professional assessment of the property’s value. They are more likely to avoid overextending credit, which could lead to defaults in the future. This risk mitigation benefits both lenders and borrowers by ensuring that loans are made based on realistic property valuations.

Negotiation and Due Diligence

Property appraisals also provide a basis for negotiation between borrowers and lenders. If the appraisal comes in lower than expected, borrowers may use this as a starting point for discussions with the lender. They can work to adjust the loan terms or seek additional collateral to meet their financing needs.

In the world of commercial lending, property appraisals are not just paperwork; they are a crucial component of the process. They objectively assess a property’s value, which in turn influences loan amounts and interest rates. By understanding the significance of property appraisals and ensuring they are conducted accurately, borrowers and lenders can make informed decisions that promote the success of their commercial real estate ventures.

Are you considering purchasing property? Consult with the local experts at EB Mortgage for new home purchasing, refinancing, DSCR loans, and commercial lending. 


EB Mortgage is a locally owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us or e-mail us today! 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: