Month: October 2011 - page 4

Rights Involved In Workers Compensation

It is hard to imagine your life being any different than it is today.  Today you can walk, bend, grab things with both hands and jump up and down if you want.  The problem comes when you walk into work one day able to function normally but then an accident at work happens and bam life is never the same again.  Who helps pay the bills?  What happens to your livelihood?

It is never easy to think about a future that is not perfect.  However this happens more often than we like to think.  If you are ever involved in an accident at work however minor report it.  It is important not to dismiss anything this will make a later dispute much more difficult.  Reporting the accident is the very first step in making sure that while you are disabled your bills can stay on track.

In fact it is very important to give details to your employer and to the medical center that treats your accident.  It is important that you give details about specifically when the accident happened, where it happened within the facility and how the injury happened.  It is also important to document who was around at the time of the accident and if possible get written statements from anyone who was involved or saw the occurrence.

There are some important questions that everyone who is injured on the job need answers to.  In dealing with workers compensation one of the first is when will I begin to receive checks?  This varies but if all the paperwork has been filled out correctly, the claim is legitimate and has been processed correctly the checks should start coming within a few weeks of the accident.  The insurance company will have to investigate and record a statement and get the preliminary medical details from the clinic.

Your checks will continue until you are able to go back to work making the same amount of money you were or the case is settled.  If a case is denied you will not start receiving checks at all and should contact a lawyer.  Basically if this is to happen then the insurance company is claiming they are not responsible to cover the medical bills or you.  This is all very time sensitive in nature and is best handed over to an attorney who will correctly navigate through the workers compensation process.

Another thing people often worry about is if their job will still be available for them when they are finally able to return to work.  Your employer is required to keep the position open for twelve weeks.  This is thanks to the Family Medical Leave Act.  After twelve weeks they do not have to hold the position any longer.

If an employee returns to work and is placed on restriction and then fired it is thought to be because of the injury.  It is up to the employer to prove that the firing was not illegal and that there was reason that you be let go.  This is almost impossible for them to do.  In most cases the employer will lose.

Any and all medical treatment required because of the injury is covered under workers compensation.   The same is true with any and all medication that may be needed.  Many employers will have you see their doctors you must petition to see your own doctor or specialist.  In case such as broken bones and serious injuries it is best to go outside the clinic recommended by the company.  Your care is far more important at the time than who is going to pay for it.  The main goal is to get back to one hundred percent as soon as possible.

Thoughtful Designs Accommodate Wheelchair Users

When beginning any home improvement project it is important to ask yourself questions before the project starts.  This means before your buy the materials, before you come up with a final design and before you start any type of demolition.  It is hard but important to wait until the details have been worked which often include waiting on permits.   Before the construction of a wheelchair accessible ramps begins the project manager should find out the answers to some important questions.

1)      Who is the ramp being built for?

2)      What type of equipment does the person using the ramp require?  Is it a standard wheelchair, an oversized wheelchair, a scooter, an electric scooter, cane or crutches?

3)      Will there be changes after the ramp is installed?  Will the patient have more or less mobility?

4)      What requirements are set forth by local ordinances?  Are their special permits needed to accommodate building a ramp?

5)      What features that exist in the landscape and home that need to be kept verse what can be changed?

This is a very general over view of key points to think about when installing a ramp.  There are many key points that need to be examined that are critical to the design.  One of those important elements has to do with the exact point of entrance, the area that is available for the ramp, the slope of the ramp and specific codes for the local municipalities.

First is entry into the home.  Which doorway will the ramp lead to our will a new one need to be made to accommodate placement of the ramp.  This will be determined by the ease of accessing the rest of the house from each entry point for the user of the wheelchair. It is also important to consider the width of the wheelchair in comparison to the doorways width along with the any obstacles that are present such as stairs, platforms and porches.

Another major issue is space issues with the yard, landscaping, porch or garage space that is present.  U shaped ramps cover more distance and can accommodate a smaller space.  When a homeowner has a great deal of slope to contend with and minimal space this is a terrific option in wheelchair ramps.

Building codes in local municipalities vary greatly.  Check with homeowners associations and local government officials to determine what codes need to be followed and paperwork obtained before moving forth with a wheelchair accessible ramp project.

Consider materials next.  What type of material will be used to build the ramp, metal or wood?  Both have pros and cons so this is left up to personal choice and regulations within your neighborhood.  It is important to make sure that the materials you choose are for the climate in which the ramp will be built.  Extra skid resistant measures should be taken in colder regions where snow, ice and rain are part of daily life.  As well as taking into consideration using metal in climates where the sun rays can cook eggs.

Over-Wetting Leads To Carpet Problems

As uncommon as it is problems can be associated with carpet cleaning.  Many homeowners feel that carpet cleaning is a job that they can tackle themselves.  However, this is a mistake.  Professional carpet cleaners go through intense training and purchase costly machines to make sure that your carpet is cleaned thoroughly.  They are trained in the art of shampooing and wetting the carpet to optimize the solution and cleanliness of the carpets.  Homeowners are not.  This is where problems start to arise.

The most common issue that homeowners run into is over-wetting the carpet.  Over-wetting becomes a problem when equipment is older and the water extractors are not adjusted correctly.  This can leave water to saturate in the carpet.  If the pressure in the extractor is too low the machine will not be able to remove excess water.  The extra moisture in the carpet will travel deep into and under the carpet instead of evaporating into the air.  This causes many issues that are not easy or inexpensive to fix.

The first issue that can arise from over-wetting is delaminating.  This happens when the carpet in the home gets wet and does not properly dry.  When the carpet stays wet for an extended period of time the secondary backing on the carpet will separate from the carpet which ruins the carpet.  It will separate, become crunchy, separate at the seams and will need to be replaces.  This essentially destroys the carpet and leaves the homeowner not able to repair the issue without purchasing new carpet.

Another material that has often been found within the backing of carpet is jute.  When moisture builds up and jute will then shrink and tear.  At this point the homeowner’s carpet is unsalvageable and will need to be replaced.

When carpet cleaning is improperly done and carpet is left wet carpets coloring can bleed.  Discoloration is hard to correct and can be expensive and time consuming if correctable at all.  Not to mention the issues that mold and mildew bring to the table after carpet is wet for more than seventy-two hours.

That could be the most important issue involved with over-wetting carpet.  Carpet can be replaced but health issues involving mold and mildew are often irreversible.  Asthma can be made worse or brought on when individuals are exposed to the toxins that mold spores produce.

Once mold shows up in the carpet the problem is hard to fix.  In order to correct the problem you must eliminate the molds food.  This is of course the moisture within the carpet.  The problem should be addressed by calling in professional home restoration service professionals who deal strictly with carpet.  If the mold damage is unfixable the carpet will need to be removed carefully and the area prepped in order to remove the mold issue from creating future issues.

An easy way to prevent issues form over-wetting and over-shampooing is to call in professional carpet cleaning services when carpet is in need of a deep clean.  These trained professionals bring in state of the art technology and equipment to ensure that your carpet is properly cleaned and dried to prevent issue such as the ones above from happening.  Too much shampoo equals extra water which leads to new carpet in the long run.  It is cheaper and a better use of time to call in the professionals at the start of the job rather than needing expensive restoration services later.

Making A Buyer Desire Your Home

I don’t think there is a person around that would disagree that our housing market has seen better days.  Our home was purchased three years ago, at what we thought was the lowest point in the market.  Since, then it has only gotten worse.  Our taxable value keeps plummeting, which since we are living there forever we are okay with because lower taxes equal more money in our pocket.

However, not everyone is happy.  There are people that need to relocate due to business and people that need to move for their own reasons such as a expanding their family or perhaps into a smaller house because children are grown and off on their own.  Whatever the reason the main goal remains the same, selling the house.

Some upgrades and updates within the home can cost minimal amount of money but have an extreme impact on the curb appeal of the home making it a more desirable option.  Remember though that when selling a house no matter how great the renovation or curb appeal if it fails inspection with a leaky roof or dampness in the basement the house will not sell. The same thing is true replacement windows won’t sell a home with an infestation of bugs.

The first and least expensive option in adding appeal to a home is a fresh coat of paint.  It is important to choose a neutral color.  Some color experts say that a pale yellow is the latest trend in wall color for homes.  Yellow tends to be a very hopeful color.  Some people believe that the color yellow helps buyers sense the future and bright days ahead with the purchase.  If a homeowner is in a pinch to sell their home and a fresh coat of paint is in the future for the home yellow is a good place to start.

Another item that seems to tug at the heart strings is a backyard space which includes a deck or patio with seating.  Along with this it is optimal to provide landscaping that is fresh and kept up on.  Make sure the space is not too bold but instead gives off the feeling of relaxation.  Another trick is to set up a hammock between two trees or on a stand.  Any feeling of stress relief you can grant to a potential buyer will increase the chance for a sale to the home.  What happens you ask if it is winter?  Nothing says future more than a fort with some snowmen in the yard.  Making the home feel comfortable and relaxing will help it sell fast.

Improvements in the kitchen and bathroom area are important also.  Homeowners do not have to do full renovations but little upgrades and tweaks to improve the eye appeal of the home.  In a bathroom this could mean something as little as updated tile and caulk.  Kitchens can have a fresh appeal with the addition of countertops and some clean stainless steel appliances.

Just remember replacement windows, fresh paint or a relaxing back yard don’t make up for leaky roofs and busted furnaces.  It is important that all the structures are in place for a home to be inhabitable before the eye candy items are worried about.  Minor, inexpensive touches around the home will help lead to a quick sale.  Don’t overdo the renovations, it will cut into profits and might end up not being desirable to the new owner.  Keep it simple.

Remodeling To Sell

In an economy that is not blooming with homes sales what is the average homeowners on the move doing to unload their home?  Besides dropping the sale price way below market value, which is already lower than the purchase price years ago or letting it sit on the market for months what options are available?  Renovating is one of the quickest ways to get a home sold.  The key element is making sure to not put too much money into the renovation process so that money is still made on the sale.

It is important that the renovations are done with the majority of home purchasers in mind.  Most people won’t care about the addition of a pool or a gazebo in the backyard but many will be wowed with the addition of replacement windows especially ones that have the windows with blinds between the glass.

There are several key elements that can be renovated without blowing a budget and should entice buyers.  One is adding curb appeal.  This can be done fairly easily.  Start by renting a power washer and thoroughly cleaning the exterior of the house include the decks, siding, windows, gutters and any sidewalks.  Next it is imperative to have a fresh coat of stain and paint on all surfaces that require it.  The roof should also be carefully cleaned so that debris is not littering the roof top.  The last thing new home purchasers want to see is mildew and mold build up on the exterior space of the home.

If the home is unable to get clean and fresh looking from a good old fashion power scrubbing and washing it will pay to proceed into looking at siding options.  Siding is an option in renovating that is not necessarily cheap but does recoup itself in the sale of the home.  It truly is about the first impression if the home.

The next element to curb appeal is trimmed bushes, maintained landscape, including new mulch, and trimmed branches and trees.  If the home is on the market in the spring take the time to purchase and plant flowers and potted plants around the yard.  To make the most out of your money potted plants are an option that can move with a homeowner.  A trimmed lawn is always appealing, a trash can that is out of site, pebbles perfectly lining the driveway all of these little tweaks will increase the homes appeal.

Another option in renovating the home involves a long weekend and some sweat equity but is truly a winner in first impressions is paint.  Nothing quite says fresh like a new coat of paint.  It is best to thoroughly coat the walls with a neutral base coat to give buyers the chance to visualize the belongings they have in the space.  This can also be done by renovating the amount of stuff filling the home.  Minimal is better when trying to sell.

It will not matter how many mini renovations are done however to improve the look and feel of the home if the home is in need of serious repair.  Before ever thinking about selling a home it is important to make sure the roof is leak free, the windows especially if you are lucky enough to have a home to sell with premium windows with blinds between the glass are sealed correctly and the home has been inspected for major issues.

Perfecting The Handicap Ramp Layout

There are three common layouts for handicap ramps.  They are; a straight line, an L-shape and a switch back.  When deciding what ramp is best suited to a business or home it is important to look at the access and height that needs to be maneuvered.  One thing that is true in all cases is that the ramp should follow the path of travel most frequently used.  It should also be built keeping in mind all of the traffic using the entrance and exit.  This means in some cases stairs will need to be accommodated for in the design.

The first ramp and easiest to install is a straight line or in-line ramp.  This style is most common for buildings and homes that are accessed from level ground or just a few minor steps up.   The next style is an L-shape or dog-legged ramp.  This ramp will change direction ninety degrees at a landing spot and then hug back around for entry.  When a porch is involved with more than a couple of stairs this type helps to ease the angle for a wheelchair, walker, individuals with bad knees by keeping the strain even.  Large businesses and public buildings with many stairs are common places to see the switch back design.  This involves a one hundred and eighty degree turn from one platform to another.  This makes getting into places with many stairs and high entrances much easier for those using mobility devices.

What happens if a home or business is in need of a handicap ramp yet the entrances are not designed to accommodate one?  In cases such as this the best option is to create a new entrance for the ramp location.   An easier way to go about this is to look for a window that is in the position needed for proper placement of the ramp.  Then the window can be removed and the structure for a door can be put in place.  If a garage or porch scenario does not work to make the business or home handicap accessible then it is important another option be sought out.

It is important to look into keeping accessibility for other family members while adding on a handicap ramp.    This is particularly easy with an L-shaped or switchback designed porch.  Using landscaping materials it is easy for homeowners to disguise ramps and allow them to blend naturally into the original flow of the homes entrances.

Another tip that is particularly handy when it comes to climates that are less than desirable three hundred and sixty five days a year is to face the ramp in a southern facing location.  This will ultimately help with snow and ice melt.  It is important to look up also.  It is not advisable to put a handicap ramp in a location that will receive a ton of fall leaves, pine needles or cones.  One option to help minimize these nuisances is a canopy about the ramp.  This will add a bit of expense to the ramp but could save a lot in headaches caused by slippery ice and snow.

Running Fun With Vibram Five Finger Shoes

Recently a relative started running.  He jumped in and has not looked back yet.  Up to six miles a day, he is feeling better, eating healthier and has dropped twenty six pounds.  With him running the discussion of footwear came up.  The new craze is a type of shoe called Vibram Five Fingers.  They are designed for a more natural fit that encourages better foot position naturally.  Being a bigger guy he was a bit nervous to try them because so far his Asics were working fine but he agreed to try them.

Vibram Five Finger shoes are meant to be worn without orthotic inserts, without socks.  They are meant to be worn against runner’s bare feet to allow the foot to move like it would naturally.  It is not a shoe that you can jump right into wearing.  This is especially true for flat footed individuals and individuals with extreme arches.  As a runner works into wearing the shoes the muscles in the foot will adapt and strengthen.  This will help with the adjustment period.

Fortunately our guinea pig was anxious to start trying his out.  The first week of training in the Vibram Five Fingers he ran only ten minutes in them.  He claimed his feet were killing him after each use but new that some adjustment was going to take place and continued with the break in phase.  By the end of the week and into the second week the muscles were building strength and his lower legs and feet were beginning to lessen in pain.  He was still not completing his normal six miles just wearing the new shoes but was building up the tolerance.

Reading online people tend to work into their Vibram Five Finger shoes at different paces.  Some can completely switch in a few weeks while others take months to break their foot into the shoes.  Once an individual feels their endurance, muscle strength improve the results will be worth however long they have waited for it.  The increase foot and body strength will be noticeable and the shoes will be the ones getting the credit.

There are certain people that should not venture into the world of Vibram Five Finger footwear including people who use orthotics in their footwear, those with extreme pronation and individuals with webbed feet.  The shoe manufacturer does not have a way to manufacturer this shoe to meet the specific needs of individual client’s feet.   It is best if a runner does have some issues that require orthotics or have extreme pronation, under or over mention the interest in these new shoes to a foot doctor first.  As with any product it is not a one size fits all.

Our family was fortunate as we got to see our runner cross the line of his first five kilometer race wearing his new shoes.  What started out as a trend to try turned into a runner falling in love with this bare foot style running method.  Our family actually caught him wearing them around out at the grocery store.

Running Naturally

A body naturally moves from the day of conception.  When thinking about starting into the sport of running think about how natural it should feel.  It is something that your body was made to do.  As a toddler learns to walk the next move when balance has been truly acquired is running.  A body is meant to run and will run if given a bit of time and patience to work up to the demands running as a sport puts on the body.

Even though running is a natural athletic sport for a body the running form a body takes may not be as natural.  That is to say when watching a marathon that no two runners will look the exact same at the start, their stride and the finish.  This does not however, lead one to believe they can neglect thought on form when running.  There are certain main areas a runner will want to remember when perfecting their running form.

Just as an athlete taking up tennis for the first time a runner should research proper techniques involved in the sport.  The running form is something that needs a basic understanding before starting out.  Posture, breathing and foot positioning are all things that need to be looked into to decrease the risk of injury amongst first time runners.

One of the first things a runner needs to think about when running is proper posture.  In running this involves a relaxed upright position.  When running relaxed the body is allowed to move without tension and strain in the shoulders and neck.  The release of tension will allow the runner a better run.  It is important that runners hold their heads high and centered, making certain to not lean too far forward or too far back.  It is important that runners look in front of them instead of down at their feet while trying to relax the muscles in their face, neck and jaw.  The shoulder blades should not be pulled together but instead left to hang loose and parallel to the spine.

The next area of interest is a runner’s arms and hands.  A runner’s arms can become powerful and enhance the running form.  The most appropriate placement of arms and hands is off to the side elbows bent at ninety degrees pointed slightly away from the torso.  Tension should be released in the hands and the fingers should be cupped like they are holding a fragile object, such as a raw egg.  The arms should be swinging freely in a pumping fashion on the runner’s side.

Breathing is essential for any sport.  The breathing technique for each runner is different and is developed over time as the body adapts to the sport.  Some runners choose to do a deep breathing technique where the breathe comes from the stomach while others prefer a method that is more shallow and combines breathing through the nose and mouth.  A personal style will develop for each runner.  The best technique in general is inhaling deeply and then forcefully exhaling through tight lips.

Develop a stride, enjoy some upright positioning, swing your arms and breathe deeply. Enjoy running.  Developing a running form is one of the most important pieces of the sport and should be done with some knowledge, listening to the body and a bit of personal flair.