Mold is a natural part of our environment.  That is not to say it is a pleasant one when infesting the one thing you pour your life savings into, your home.  Mold does play an integral part in nature by helping to break down dead trees and leaves however are not so helpful when abundantly growing within a home.  A common question amongst homeowners with a mold issue is, “How and why did mold start to grow in my home?”

Mold starts to grow and infest a home right under a homeowner’s nose.  It often goes undetected for a bit of time because mold reproduces by sending out microscopic spores into the air.  As they float through the air they seek out damp, moist areas and the spores land making a home.  These damps surfaces within your home are ideal breeding grounds for the reproduction of more mold spores.  This is of course a very general look at how mold grows and spreads.

It is obvious that mold spores don’t become an issue or problem inside homes until they are given a host spot to breed off of.  The main goal for homeowner’s is to prevent this from happening.  Simple solutions to moisture build up are exhaust fans in laundry and bath areas.  Homeowners should make sure that duct work is ventilated properly so that moisture is not allowed to build up in attics and basements.  Dehumidifiers on air conditioning units are helpful as is looking under sinks and cupboards regularly to inspect for leaks.

Mold is a serious issue not only because it is unsightly but also a hazard to one’s health. Inhaling or mold may cause an allergic reaction to those sensitive to mold.  Asthma can be made worse do to the effects of mold on the respiratory system.  Reactions to mold include; a runny nose, sneezing, eyes that are swollen and red and rashes that affect the skin.  If a homeowner notices that family members are become sick more often than usual they should inspect the home for mold spores.

Mold remediation, or removing mold, is tricky.  Yes, homeowner’s will want to remove the mold but it is impossible to completely remove the mold spores from the air.  The idea is get rid of the present and unsightly mold spot and then remove the source of moisture so that the comfy home the mold has been enjoying is destroyed.  Mold remediation is more about controlling the habitat to prevent future mold growth.

By controlling moisture and fixing issues that allow water and dampness to stick around you are in essences killing the mold.  In mold remediation if a homeowner cleans up the mold issue but then does not fix the moisture problem than the mold is likely to return.  The truth is that the only way that mold spores will not reproduce is to take away their home and food source.  If a homeowner is finding that mold keeps returning even after they feel the problem has been fixed it is best to call in the professionals.  The problem or source could be deeper.  Mold issues that are allowed to fester will eventually destroy a home and its value.