With homeownership comes the ability to make it your own. Adding your own personality and following design trends throughout your home can make a huge impact. Remodeling your kitchen, updating your bathroom, installing a fence, updating plumbing or HVAC, etc., can boost your home’s comfort for years to come.

Renovations in the new year are expected to be more mechanical versus cosmetic due to the rising cost of materials and high inflation. When choosing between fixing a broken fence or repairing a burst pipe, homeowners are expected to select the more critical option. 

Here are some forecasted trends on the horizon for 2023:

Home Offices
Following the pandemic, many people continue to work from home. Renovating home offices is expected to continue on trend throughout 2023. For professionals who own businesses, the convenience of being at home outweighs purchasing or renting a commercial space.

Energy Efficiency
As an increasing number of people reduce their carbon footprint, the eco-friendly aspects of a home are expected to rise. The Inflation Reduction Act incentivizes homeowners to craft energy-efficient home updates in 2023 with the Energy Efficiency Home Improvement Credit. Experts project a monumental shift toward solar energy this year by installing subsidized solar panels. Increasing utility bills have caused many homeowners to seek smart HVAC systems to monitor and track their usage and spending. Adding insulation and installing energy-efficient appliances, low-flush toilets, etc., are expected to be trendy in 2023. 

Outdoor Living
Piggybacking on our first trend of more homeowners spending time at home, many people are seeking to maximize livable space. Decks, patios, gardens, outdoor kitchens, pools, and other outdoor amenities are expected to rise in 2023 as homeowners look for comfortable and functional options to complement their at-home lifestyle.

Multi-Dwelling Residences
Rising interest rates and real estate costs are being shared between new homeowners who want to split their home into multiple residences. Multi-generational living is expected to be a huge trend in 2023, as the economy has shifted and an increasing number of children are going back to live with their parents, or aging parents are opting to move in with their grown offspring. 

Are you thinking of updating your home to include a dedicated home office, improve efficiency, update your kitchen, or more? Contact the home renovation experts at JFC Remodeling today. 


JFC Remodeling is committed to providing top-quality home reconstruction services to clients throughout Livingston County. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, our licensed contractors create unique, individualized, and polished renovations. Whether the site requires an improvement, repair, or is a new construction, you can trust our experts to deliver remarkable results. Call or email us to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: https://www.cpsmi.com/