Day: June 2, 2011 - page 3

Water Restoration: Tips for Urgent Water Restoration

It never fails here in Michigan we always get one day in the spring when we get a torrential down pour. It seems as if that is always the day the power goes out and the sump pump fails. Water restoration is a large part of restoration services provided by companies. Many homeowners think that they can clean it up themselves without thinking about how the dampness will affect the area. What many people don’t understand is that water can stick around and create mildew and mold. Even after it feels dry to the touch areas can still be damp. When not thoroughly dried through water restoration techniques damage can occur.

If your home or business is affected by water damage the best first step is to call your insurance company and have a water restoration company come out and assess the damage. Here are some tips to help you as a homeowner to help in the restoration of your home.

1) The first step is to dehumidify the area. As long as the area is no longer submerged in water and has been cleared to be safe by an electrician you may start running dehumidifiers.

2) Open up the house and have fans circulating the dry air.

3) It is important to soak up as much water as you can. Use a mop or old towels to sop up as much water as you can. Blotting carpet is also an effective way to remove large quantities of water.

4) All furniture pieces should be dried off. Wood and fabric both should be thoroughly dried. Items such as cushions and knick knacks removed and safely stored until a professional has checked the furniture to make sure it has thoroughly dried. Remember the touch test does not work. Often furniture will feel dry to the touch because the surface is dry. This does not mean the inner parts are completely dry.

5) Wood blocks should be made that will be used to prop up furniture while it is drying. If you wrap the blocks in aluminum foil this prevents staining on carpet.

6) All floor coverings that are loose should be removed taken to a professional to be cleaned and dried. Bacteria will find a host in these areas and should be cleaned properly to prevent any bacteria from the flood water to grow and reproduce in your rugs.

7) All drapery should be lifted from the floor. If it has become wet it is best to take it down and allow a professional to clean them.

8) All furniture, cupboards and drawers that can be opened should be. It is important to let those areas thoroughly dry out by removing all the contents and letting them air out.

9) Books can be dried out by laying them out open and making sure the air is circulating in the area that they are drying in.

10) It is important not to use a normal household vacuum to remove the water. You will ruin your unit. It is best to leave the water extraction to the professionals. If you need to remove a small bit of standing water and it cannot be done with a mop or towel and wet/dry shop vacuum is the best tool for the job.

11) Electrical units should not be plugged in any area that is still wet or that has standing water.

12) Leave carpet that is tacked down in place. Professionals have equipment that can clean and dry your carpet thoroughly.

Damage can occur through water and bacteria settling in to your household items. Do not wait to call water restoration professionals in to your home to begin working on getting your home restored and functioning normal. Bacteria starts forming within minutes so it is important to call your insurance company and have them send someone out immediately to get your home dry. Water restoration professionals can ensure bacteria, mildew and mold do not grow and fester.

Wheelchair Ramps and Society

People throughout our society are depending upon wheelchairs and electric scooters to get around more than ever before. Most likely this comes from the fact that people are living longer. Another reason is that people with debilitating diseases are living longer thanks to medical miracles. All of these reasons have made it necessary for society to adjust building access for wheelchairs and motorized handicap vehicles. The American with Disabilities Act governs that public, commercial, state and local government facilities must accommodate for the use of wheelchairs and other mobility devices.

Think about the last time you traveled with young stroller bound children. Do you remember how difficult it was to maneuver? Think about going through life facing these challenges when trying to get in and out of facilities. What about your own home. Wheelchair ramps are what make access available to homes and public facilities.

Laws protecting the disabled are set in place to ensure equality. There are many things besides the law that need to be also taken into consideration when building or attaching a ramp for handicap use. When looking into a home wheelchair verse public access the things to consider are purpose, dimensions and style.

Purpose – It is pretty straight forward that the purpose of a handicap ramp at your home is to ease mobility in and out. Handicap ramps are used for many different purposes. Walkers, wheelchairs, electric scooters and disabilities are the number one reasons people look to install a handicap ramps. It is important to note that any building that has stairs as a main access should also have an assisted access.

Dimensions – The dimensions that are used to build ramps vary. Although standards exist and the guidelines of the ADA should be followed the size of the ramp should take into consideration the people who will be using it and the mode by which they might be entering and exiting. It is suggested that for every foot of ramp one inch of incline for entering buildings and for homes that every foot of ramp two inches of incline. You want to make the access as easy as possible. Think about climbing Mount Everest each and every time you leave a building. This is not ideal for anyone using a wheel chair or motorized device.

Style – There are many different styles of handicapped ramps to look at. Determine if you need something permanent or temporary. For instance are you taking in an elderly parent, this case might call for a temporary ramp. Metal ramps can often be rented or grants provided to purchase them. Wood ramps are often meant for more permanent situations such as elderly parents aging in place. Also, make sure you look into your community guidelines.

It is important to look into the rights of those who are disabled or elderly. Making sure that they are not restricted helps improve the quality of life they lead. The ADA guidelines help make this possible with laws such as the one enacted for the use of wheelchairs. It is also important for society to remember that independence is something we all wish for. If it eases life for a senior citizen in your life and they stay in their home a little longer than a handicap ramp is such a huge deal. Local, licensed contractors are available who have been trained to properly install handicap ramps to homes and businesses. When hiring an individual to install a ramp make sure the specifications they are using match your expectations and the laws governing wheelchair ramps.

Windows with Blinds Between the Glass: A Better Choice in Replacement Windows

Shopping for anything is fun in my opinion. So when my spouse and I set out to find replacement windows for our home I was excited and up for the challenge. I never thought we would be in for so many different choices. I did however think it would be much simpler than it turned out. The choices were endless. It was crazy. Double hung, sliders, windows with blinds between the glass the option are truly endless.

I decided since I have children and pets that I would really only focus on the windows with blinds between the glass. It just seems like a no brainer. I will end up saving money in the long run because I will never have to replace the curtains or blinds again. I cannot tell you how many times my cats have climbed the curtains and ruined them. I replaced them last year because they were so tattered. So that at least narrowed down one major decision. So this is when I began to relax a bit. Little did I know that the options that came next for the blinds between the glass were just as overwhelming.

I know that my decision is the right one for our family though so I will do it. There are so many reasons homeowners should consider windows with blinds between the glass. Anyone with activity going on in their home knows that shade, blinds and curtains get destroyed quickly.

Think about mini blinds. I am sure we have all lived in a home or apartment that had them when we were just starting out. How gross was it to see all the dust, animal dander and built up dirt on the blinds. Then when you would go to wipe it off it just made it worse. Now you had build up starting on your blinds and they would never return to the bright white you originally purchased.

Windows with blinds between the glass are also nice in regards that there are no loose cords. They are completely safe for use within a children’s bedroom. You will not have to worry about strangulation from cords. The blinds are installed inside the windows. This alleviates the issues of cords and heads getting stuck between blinds trying to look outside. I wish we had these when my children were smaller. They are so safe and convenient. Many times I would sneak in at nap time to see my son out of his bed peering out into the yard. I am so thankful we never had an accident with our blinds.

Windows with blinds between the glass also provide better insulation form the elements. They also keep the air, be it heat or air conditioning, in your home better than conventional windows with blinds or curtains. This leads to an energy tax credit making windows with blinds between the glass a more economical choice.

I mentioned the dust build up on mini blinds however curtains are also retainers of dust and allergens. Windows with blinds between the glass help to reduce the amount of allergens within the home environment. People with allergies and asthma are perfect candidates for replacement windows that have the blinds installed between the glass.

Last but not least of course is the benefit of having the latest trend in replacement windows. They are incredibly stylish and can be designed for any home contemporary, modern or rustic. Windows with blinds between the glass are more affordable than ever. I am so pleased with our purchase and am looking forward to not having to replace windows or window treatments for a very long time.

Handyman Services: The Importance in Maintaining Your Home

Maintenance is good for everything we all know that. We are told to maintain a healthy weight, to keep red meat to a minimum to maintain our heart health, to change our oil every 3,000 miles to maintain the engine, it is everywhere. Maintenance keeps things running at their best. The same goes for our homes. Handyman services are used to prevent major issues with your home and will help avoid an outlandish amount of maintenance to tackle later on. It is super easy to hand this over to a handyman that offers handyman services but if you insist I will give you a schedule to follow.

Let us start in the spring since that is the season we are enjoying in Michigan right now. The spring season should bring an inspection of your roof. It is important to look for any signs of wear and tear that comes with changing climates. Broken, torn, missing and bowed shingles should be replaced or repaired. It is also important to inspect gutters, downspouts, flashing around chimneys and vents. Make sure they are in good condition.

Another spring maintenance tip is to repair torn screens. It is super easy and inexpensive fix. Screens on sliding glass doors are often damaged and need replacing. Basically you purchase new screen cut the size you need and install it with a special tool that helps put the screen and rubber molding back in place. Most handymen will offer to provide this service if you are leery of trying it on your own.

It is also important to do some maintenance on your deck. Handyman services often include anything from power washing and staining to minor clean up and touch ups. Mildew will need to be treated properly to bring a deck back to life. It is also important to remove loose nails and screws and replace them with new ones. Sometimes it might even be necessary to replace a rotted board.

Summer maintenance starts with the outside of your home. Take a good look at the siding. Thoroughly clean the siding and remove any mildew that has built up in the shady spots of your home. It is also important to remove and repair any vinyl that has been damaged by the weather conditions. If you have a home what has brick, wood or stone simply look over the exterior and replace any areas that look like they are starting to fail. Catching a problem before it becomes urgent will help prevent bigger problems down the road.

Summer is also the time to fix fences and gates. Each year my spouse, who supplies our handyman services, has to replace parts to our split rail fence. They wear out and become moss covered leaving a much desired look to the fence. Each summer we review the fence pieces and replace any that look have issues. This is the best way for us to keep up with the fence so that we don’t end up with a multi-thousand dollar project on our hands. The same goes for aluminum, plastic and metal fencing.

The winter/fall season is the time in which the handyman services reach the inside of homes. This is when we repair grout and caulk. We also look at all of our heating and cooling systems and have them tuned up for optimal use. In the fall my spouse always has a painting project for me to do to keep the colors of the house fresh and modern. I would rather maintain by painting one room each year verse a whole house anytime. It is also the time when I have the service men out to clean out the washer and dryer to prevent any disasters that are created by built up lint or lost toys that have worked their way into the components of the machine. This has happened believe it or not. We do run chemicals in the sinks and toilets to loosen any clogs that may be starting in the fall also.

As you can see there is a lot that goes into maintaining a home. This is why so many people prefer to hire a handyman service company that schedules regular visits to your home to take care of these issues. Many companies offer quarterly rates for these services. It is something worth investing in because as I see it regular maintenance costs less than one major disaster.