It is often said that we should not judge a book by its cover and that it’s what’s inside that counts. However, selling a product is not just about manufacturing products and relying on the quality of the product alone to push sales. Imagine walking through the aisles of a supermarket and every aisle is only filled with generic boxes and bottles with the brand and product names printed in standard text. It does not paint a very interesting picture. With no other feature to attract potential customers to pick them up, new products and smaller companies will have a difficult time competing against established, more popular products and brand names. Therefore, labels on products and their customisation play an important role in distinguishing products from different brands.

Custom labels on products have many functions. One of which is to attract the attention of potential customers. Some brands use loud colours, bold fonts, and elaborate illustrations to achieve the desired result. Others would contrast them by using neutral colours, subdued fonts and either simple diagrams or nothing at all to catch the attention of customers. This image created by the labels can easily be associated with the product by its customers. Customers that were happy with a product and choose to purchase it again can then easily locate the product with its distinct appearance.

The vast variation that can be created due to the nature of customisable labels allows brands and products to create a unique image for themselves. Some would even say that labels give the products personality. The labels would often reflect on the product or the brand’s vision and this is more likely to appeal to like-minded customers, creating a bond between the customer and the brand. This will increase customer loyalty to the product or brand, which would help the brand in a long-term business stand point.

Another role played by customizable labels in the sales of the product is that companies can inform potential customers about a product. Brands can promote certain aspects or features of their products on their labels. Potential customers will be drawn to purchase products that meet their requirements and having the positive properties of a product highlighted on its label will help the customer make their decision. With custom labelling, the brand has the freedom to creatively present these selling points, further individualizing the product and its appearance.

Labels on products can greatly influence the success of the product. It is the initial attraction factor to a shopper skimming over many products for something that will catch their eye. Furthermore, it plays a part in the promotion of the product and its benefits to the customer. Custom labelling enables brands to achieve all this while granting the product a sense of individuality, potentially creating a bond between the product or brand and the customer.  So, in product sales and where custom labelling is involved, a book’s cover is meant for judgment and the outside counts just as much as the inside.

Learn more about Anchor Printing and their vast line of custom product label & packaging options including: Shrink Sleeve Labels, Flexible Packaging, Roll-Fed Labeling, Pressure Sensitive and Cut & Stack Labels at  To contact one of our label specialists call toll free at 800.748.0209 or via email at