Category: Wolf Survival Gear - page 2

Farming Without Soil

A food crisis is on the brink, worldwide, as farmland is becoming destitute due to the overwhelming amount of pesticides, droughts, and extreme weather. With these challenges comes an inability to produce enough crops for the increasing global population. Since soil is such a crucial part of the growing process, is it possible to produce food without it? 

The answer is a resounding yes. Several companies are pioneering the process of growing plants without soil. Plants need nutrients (food) to survive, along with air, water, and light. As long as they have these, they can easily thrive. This article will explore alternative growing methods to produce vibrant, nutritious produce.

Pioneered by NASA in the 1990s, this method is regarded as the most technologically advanced growing process. Using suspended plants, the roots are intermittently sprayed with a nutrient solution by an automatic sprinkler system, connected to a water reservoir. Since the plant roots come in direct contact with pure air, the extra oxygen allows the plants to form their own nutrients more resourcefully, creating a vibrant result. Some benefits of aeroponics include: 

  • Richer flavor profile
  • Faster growth, roughly two- to three times normal size
  • Yields three times more crops
  • Uses 95 percent less water than soil
  • Significantly less energy needed
  • No fertilizers or chemicals needed 

This system is designed for long-term cultivation of crops. Plants’ roots are submerged in a continuous flow of nutrient-rich water pumped through a reservoir pump. Seeds are buried in soil replacement cups and set in a container filled with water and nutrients for the plant. As the rich water is delivered to the cups, the seeds begin to germinate, and a root system forms. Some benefits of hydroponics include: 

  • Easily regulated 
  • Effortless commercial (large-scale) use 
  • Plants grow year-round 
  • Uses 90 percent less water than soil 

This technique works by raising fish to feed naturally mineral-rich nutrients to the plants. In essence, it mimics a natural ecosystem. As the fish eat and produce waste, fertilizer is formed, which feeds the plants. Fish excrement becomes a byproduct of food for bacteria, which is then converted into plant fertilizer. Benefits of aquaponics include: 

  • Healthy, swift plant growth
  • Less disease
  • Lower maintenance 
  • Fish can also be eaten

Hopefully, we will never be forced to use these methods in order to grow food. Wolf Survival Gear likes to offer people resources for various environments, so you’re prepared. Let us know your thoughts on this subject.


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Naturally Battling Ticks on the Homefront

Ahhh, the summer air is upon us…which means ticks are already on their way to invading our yards. Walking leisurely through the deep woods shouldn’t be a gamble of whether you’ll contract Lyme Disease or another tick-borne illness when you emerge from the forest. Unfortunately, this can be the case for not just us but our pets as well. 

Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Powassan encephalitis, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, and anaplasmosis are a few diseases transmitted by ticks. While various illnesses can be contracted from ticks, the risk of developing an infection is based on a few factors, including the type of tick and duration it was attached. 

Unfortunately, many people opt for a chemical toxicant to deter ticks, many of which are the topic of research to determine their environmental effects. While these substances are meant to kill mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and other parasites, they are also detrimental to human health. A growing number of people experience side effects from these toxic chemicals, such as nausea, vomiting, hypotension, encephalopathy, seizure, coma, bradycardia, brain cell death, behavioral changes, lethargy, and anaphylaxis, to name a few.

Thankfully, there are some alternative – safe – ways to rid yourself, your family, and your pets of ticks. Read on to discover ways to deter ticks using simple and safe products that won’t harm you but will ensure the ticks feast elsewhere.

Essential Oils
Some essential oils have been proven to kill ticks on contact. Companies such as Wondercide promote their products as safe and effective for tick prevention for humans and pets. 

Cedar Chips
Most people now that moths do not gather where cedar is placed, as the smell is a deterrent. Ticks are similarly unattracted to cedar. Cedarcide offers a product touting cedar granules meant to be spread across the yard. 

Mow the Grass
Trimming your lawn is important, as ticks prefer to climb and travel through long grass. Make sure all leaf litter or brush is cleaned up as well. 

Tick Tubes

Many of us don’t think about how ticks get around besides using their legs, but mice are huge carriers of ticks. A safe way to kill ticks – not mice – is by using these tick tubes, which Harvard Researchers developed at the School of Public Health.

While many of these products are non-toxic, they require more upkeep and reapplication than traditional bug sprays. Keep the environment – and your health – in mind when using toxic pesticides. 


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Living Off-Grid Urban Style

Living “off-the-grid” refers to functioning without a controlled electrical power network, either sans electricity all together, or relying on a generator, or creating electricity through alternative sources such as solar and wind. Completely self-sufficient off-grid lifestyles are free from reliance on utilities, food, and housing. Self-sufficiency is crucial to living off the grid, especially during emergencies such as natural disasters or an economic collapse.   

Off-grid lifestyles are becoming increasingly popular as utility, housing, and food costs skyrocket. Generally, those who live off-grid find a large plot of rural land to settle in. Urban off-grid living is possible, despite initial doubts. 

Municipal utilities such as water, natural gas, electricity, sewer, and trash can all be substituted for self-reliability in one way or another. Suburban homesteading is possible…keep reading to learn how.

Living off-grid is easier if you have a home with a yard, so you can grow your own food, collect rainwater, etc. 

To reduce dependence on grocery stores, grow as much food as possible, canning, dehydrating, or freeze-drying whenever possible. Consider using community gardens if you do not have an area for gardening or use pots to plant essentials. You can also plant fruit trees for long-term use. 

Walking or biking can provide excellent exercise and saves money on gas, car maintenance, and insurance. Take advantage of public transportation and combine trips whenever possible.

When water originates from a well or city municipality, conservation is essential. Take short showers or shower at the gym instead. Install water-saving shower heads, faucets, and toilets. Collect rainwater whenever possible. 

Minimizing power usage is crucial for living off-grid, and solar panels are an excellent method to achieve this. Also, try unplugging items that are not currently in use. Turn off lights, hand-wash clothes, and bundle up inside during cold winter months. Use a clothesline to dry clothes whenever possible. Insulate your attic to prevent escaping air. Wash your dishes by hand, close unused air vents, and invest in LED light bulbs. 

Turn your food scraps into garden nutrients by using an indoor composter or creating a system outside. Worm bins are excellent options as well. 

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Garden Mulch 101

Spring is just around the corner, which means it’s almost time to tend to your garden. There are many varieties of mulch; how do you choose what’s best for your garden? Which is best for minimizing weeds versus enhancing beds? Keep reading to discover the answers you are looking for. 

First things first; what is mulch, exactly? Mulch is any organic material used as a top dressing on garden beds. Some options include compost mulch, bark mulch, sawdust, shredded leaves, pine needles, grass clippings, straw, hay, etc. 

Why do gardeners use mulch, anyway? During the growing season, mulch deters weed growth, keeps moisture in the soil, and helps to maintain healthy soil temperatures. 

When should mulch be applied? Mulch can be used any time of year, but the best time is mid-spring, just as the soil warms. 

What are the different types of mulch? There are a variety of mulch materials, which consist of: 

  • Compost mulch: made from organic material, best in vegetable gardens, flower, and shrub beds.
  • Bark mulch: shredded tree bark for top dressing, mainly around trees and shrubs.
  • Sawdust mulch: milling lumber debris for vegetable/fruit gardens, flower beds, and pathways. 
  • Shredded leaf mulch: chopped leaves is extremely inexpensive as they can be found in your yard.
  • Pine needle mulch: fallen needles from pine trees work well in pathways or rose beds.
  • Grass clipping mulch: another inexpensive mulch, this is simply yard clippings collected after mowing and used for vegetables, berries, and flowers. 
  • Straw or hay mulch: inexpensive, use around strawberries and other small fruits.

** Many of these mulch types can be found in your lawn. Make sure you do not use anything from sprayed/treated lawns in edible gardens, as it is severely toxic to your health. **

Why use mulch in my garden? Mulch can introduce new flora into your garden as they decompose, which is beneficial for growth. Mulch also discourages weeds and garden pests, minimizes watering time, safeguards soil moisture, adds texture and color, improves topsoil, and adds a layer of protection against severe weather. 

How do I apply mulch to my garden? Before youlay mulch, ensure the area is already weeded. Soak the ground with water and use a barrier such as newspaper or specialized fabric to control weeds before applying mulch. Then, place a thick layer, about two- to four inches, to discourage new weed growth. Covering existing weeds with mulch will not eradicate them.

-Happy gardening!

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Six Essential Survival Skills

If the past few years have taught us anything, it’s that the “unthinkable” can definitely happen. From pandemics, natural disasters, unidentified flying objects looming in the sky, and more, we need to be always ready. 

Though survival skills are especially useful in dire circumstances, they are also useful in simple, unexpected situations, such as getting lost on a bike ride or losing power for an extended period. Keep reading to discover some essential survival skills for basically any situation. 

First Aid
Keep your first aid kit in your grab bag so you can deal with whatever emergencies pop up. Make sure your bag has gloves, blister treatment, gauze, bandages, medications, etc. 

Building a shelter helps you stay warm and dry no matter the circumstances. In urban areas, cardboard boxes, awnings, and other materials can be used. In more remote areas, look for caves or hollow spaces that can block the wind. Tarps easily anchor to one side, stretch down to the ground, and secure with stones. Better yet, include a small tent in your grab bag. 

Another essential tool for your grab bag is a firestarter. Use small pieces of wood, pine needles, or cardboard to act as kindling. Once the fire is going, use larger pieces to keep it blazing. Ensure your fire is built downwind from your shelter, away from surrounding vegetation. 

Since water is heavy to carry, it can be challenging to bring in a grab bag. However, sterilizing/filter kits are an effortless way to ensure your water is purified and free of bacteria, parasites, and viruses. If you don’t have a kit or filter, boiling water is the easiest way to remove harmful components. 

Food is essential and can be difficult to find in dire situations. Find a field guide to edible plants in your region. Never eat mushrooms or berries that look suspicious, and never put any unknown plant in or near your mouth, as even a tiny amount could kill you. Fishing and trapping is an option if you have the time and patience. Add some energy bars, emergency food, trail mix, etc., to your grab bag as well. 

Learn how to use a compass and a map before disaster strikes. Your phone’s GPS might not work in an emergency, and your battery could die, you might not have reception, etc. Do not rely on your electronic devices; rather, learn your area and make sure your map is covered in a waterproof film. 


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Types of Emergency Shelters

Emergency shelters are typically built during a catastrophic event and aren’t planned out too far in advance. Depending on the situation, it’s important to devise a plan to craft a shelter that can protect you from whatever circumstances arise while using the least amount of time and energy possible. 

To start building an emergency shelter, collect materials and use whatever you can find to create a refuge between you and the elements. Look for large objects that can be propped up with sticks or poles to provide a solid roof or shade. Make use of whatever you have in your bug-out bag, as well. 

You can create several different types of emergency shelters with four main components: support structure, cover, insulation, and flooring. Some examples include: 

This type of shelter resembles a tipi as the frame is made up of sticks, then covered and insulated by another material. Ensure there is enough room to sit up straight inside.

Snow Pit
When there is heavy snowfall, utilize the insulation it can provide by creating an igloo-type of hut. These shelters can actually be quite warm, as snow is an extremely effective insulator.  

These shelters are added to an existing foundation, so the rafters are “leaning” against a wall. Though it provides minimal protection from wind, it is a quick build and can reflect heat well. 

Canvas Shade
When rain falls, canvas can protect you from getting wet. It is also beneficial for blocking wind and sun. Military-style ponchos can sometimes double as a shade, as they have grommets at the edges for this specific purpose. 

When seeking shelter, don’t overlook caves, either. Keep an eye out for wild animals and stay just far enough inside so you will be safe from the elements. 

Whichever shelter you construct, remember that function is the utmost important factor in the building process. 


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Is Love All You Need?

Love and a sense of belonging are part of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Simply put, love is a basic human necessity. As social creatures, love binds human beings and helps give life purpose. 

The aspects of love can transcend our understanding, but many report that love gives them physical and emotional feelings. Humans possess an innate ability to nurture themselves and others, whether it’s another human, a pet, or an inanimate object such as a garden. 

Generally, humans yearn for a sense of belonging within a community and seek lifetime partners. But love can go beyond romantic relationships. Unconditional love for family members and friends can be viewed as an act of kindness or a way of validating those in susceptible situations.

In the ancient Greek language, there existed five forms of love: familial love, friendly or platonic love, romantic love, guest love, and divine love. There is love as long as there is kindness, compassion, and affection.

Overall, love can bring positivity and a sense of comfort, but love has dark sides that cause more harm than good. Unrequited love, empty love, infatuated love, compassionate love, self-love, and courtly love are all terms identified by modern authors to describe dark love. 

These forms of love can cause isolation, mistrust and sometimes lead to homicide or suicide. Many serial killers have a family history full of dysfunction and an inability to receive love due to how they were raised. Narcissists are classically known to be too deep in self-love. 

In total, love is profound. It’s no joke. It can save or destroy someone. However, despite the positives and negatives, love is a basic human need. Can we live without it? Perhaps we could, but it’s likely that we wouldn’t have much success without it.

Feelings of love can release feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain that boost our mood. It can raise our heart rate and increase oxytocin production and norepinephrine. Some say these feelings are necessary for survival, but at the end of the day, it’s all relative. 

Love is as essential as a well-balanced diet. It’s the opposite of loneliness and helps fight depression and other diseases throughout the body. Having a balanced sense of love in one aspect or another can keep us motivated and determined to continue through life. 


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Igniting Fires in Snowy Areas

If you ever find yourself stranded outside in the winter, chances are, you’ll be surrounded by snow and susceptible to the darkness that forces temperatures to plummet below freezing. Is building a fire out of the question? Answer: it can be difficult, but not impossible. 

Since snow immediately melts and turns into water when heated, flames can be extinguished quickly. Also, heat – not flame – causes fuel to burn. Since cold temperatures make heat production more difficult, increasing the fuel temperature can take a while. 

The most important thing to consider when building a fire in the snow is to find the proper site. When searching for the right area to start a fire, ensure it is protected from snow accumulation, wind, and water. Clear snow from the ground before beginning. 

Next, construct a fire pit by adding a stone floor to raise the fuel above ground. Align the stones against each other and use a heat reflector to keep the warm air circulating. Trees, cliff walls, or the silver side of heat blankets are all great reflectors. Don’t forget to create a raised space for firewood, which will help keep it dry and away from the snow. 

Use kindling and fuel to start the fire, preferably with large dry, or dead pieces such as tree trunks or stumps. Locate wood you can use as the fire burns to ensure you have enough when you need it. You can try a fire accelerant to speed up the process. If you carry a bug-out bag, pack tinder in your gear to help start fires. Dryer lint is an excellent accelerant.

Once your fire is roaring, build your shelter as close as possible – avoid placing flammable or meltable items near the fire – to keep yourself warm. Rocks placed in the fire can be used as mini heaters, warming your blanket or clothing if necessary. 

Keeping yourself warm in emergencies is incredibly important – even more so in freezing temperatures that can cause frostbite, hypothermia, and more. Ensure you are prepared for the worst, so you can hope for the best. 

Do you need a fire starter for emergencies? Look no further – Wolf Survival Gear carries a variety of fire starters to suit your needs. Rain or shine, hot or cold, we’ve got you covered. 

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Tips to Avoid Cold and Flu

With the winter season in full swing, it’s much easier for our immune systems to be weakened and our bodies to become susceptible to bacteria and viruses. While we congregate inside to keep warm, cold and flu illnesses are more easily transferrable. Read on to discover some tips to avoid getting sick this season.

Diet: Ensure your diet is full of vitamins and minerals to boost your immune system. Cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, cabbage, kale, etc., are helpful, as are green vegetables. Use all colors of the rainbow when preparing meals.

Zinc: Take a zinc supplement within 24 hours of feeling mildly ill or “off” to reduce the chances of getting full-blown sickness. Research finds that by taking zinc sublingual (under the tongue), the body quickly absorbs the nutrient, which can help prevent respiratory tract infections and reduce the severity of symptoms. 

Vitamin D: This vitamin is especially crucial during the cold, dreary winter months, as we absorb much of our Vitamin D from sunshine in other months. Vitamin D foods include egg yolks, mushrooms, salmon, tuna, beef liver, or supplements.

Hydrate: Every tissue and organ within the human body relies on water to carry minerals and nutrients throughout each cell. Water also keeps your nose and throat moist, which helps trap bacteria before it infiltrates your immune system. Health experts commonly recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water every day. Include green tea in your regime; it has a high level of antioxidants and several health benefits. Also, avoid alcohol and stick to sugar-free, caffeine-free beverages as much as possible.

Moisturize:  Healthy mucous membranes are naturally moist and hydrated and act as a barrier to pathogens. When cold, wintry air dries out the membranes in our nasal passages, it creates cracks or breaks within the lining and allows viruses to invade our bodies more easily. Moisturize dry air using a humidifier and rehydrate the nasal passages with nasal saline drops.

Exercise: A regular routine such as walking, stretching, or jogging helps to minimize inflammation, reduce stress, increase circulation, and distribute white blood cells, which fight diseases. Every day, keep your body moving but don’t overdo it with extreme exercise, which can elevate stress hormones and increase your risk for infection. Respect your body’s limits and build in recovery days if you’re training for endurance.

Sleep: Healthy people generally sleep a minimum of eight hours nightly and are less susceptible to viruses and bacteria due to the body’s release of cytokines during that time. Cytokines are proteins that help fight infection by regulating the immune system.

Calm Down: Doctors suspect that there is a connection between chronic mental stress and physical illness. Practice yoga, meditate, or find another way to alleviate personal stress. The continuous release of cortisol, the stress hormone produced by your adrenal glands, will lose its effectiveness in fighting inflammation and disease and lower your immune system.

Hygiene: One of the easiest ways to avoid germs is to create environments they cannot survive in. Ensure you wash your hands before eating or preparing food or any contact with your eyes or mouth. Cover your mouth while sneezing, carry hand sanitizer, and disinfect shared surfaces like phones, doorknobs, remote controls, keyboards, etc.

Keep it Personal: According to the National Health Service, flu viruses can survive on surfaces for 24 hours. Try to remain mindful of this by frequently wiping down counters and door knobs when an illness is running through your household. Also, avoid sharing germs, use your own toothbrush, utensils, and glassware, and wash contaminated towels, toys, etc., in hot soapy water.

Staying healthy can be tricky, but using some common sense and some not-so-common advice will help. Stand back a bit from others, giving yourself some space from others who may cough or sneeze droplets into the air. Take a multivitamin and visit a primary care doctor regularly for check-ups. Remember, don’t go overboard by being a clean freak; germs help train the immune system and can help build up a healthy immune response. Also, remember to look on the bright side of things. Having a positive outlook will help ward off illness.  

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Gauging Ice Thickness

Whether you want to fish, skate, snowmobile, or drive a truck on it, ice can be dangerous if too thin for the activity you pursue. But how do you know if and when it’s thick enough to hold substantial weight? 

All ice that contains cracks or is located near inlets or moving water should be avoided. If there is any question about whether the ice is thick enough, chances are, it’s not. Use extreme caution when driving on ice with heavy vehicles, as it should be at least eight inches thick to hold a small pickup truck. 

Any cars parked on ice should be located at least 50 feet apart and moved every couple of hours. Use caution while driving slowly; ensure the doors are unlocked, and your seatbelt is off. 

Always make sure you – and your group – are equipped with a life jacket, ice pick, cell phone, a long rope, and an ice auger. 

Ice color is a huge giveaway when determining safety. Here are some guidelines: 

  • Clear ice is the strongest, as it’s also the newest
  • White or opaque ice is loaded with air pockets, making it weaker
  • Light gray to dark black ice is unsafe and should be avoided
  • Mottled, slushy, or “rotten” ice that is thawing or melting will immediately give way to weight

Once the ice is observed to be safe using the suggestions noted above, the ice thickness needs to be determined as well. To test ice thickness, use a drill to make a small hole, hook a tape measure to the bottom edge, and read the measurement. Ice color, thickness, external temperature, local conditions, and knowledge of frozen waterways are all important factors to consider when gauging ice thickness. 

The buddy system is also imperative for ice activities. Ensure someone knows where you are at all times. Make sure a flotation device is always within arm’s reach, especially while testing ice thickness. 

Ice augers can come in handy to drill through the ice; axes are also helpful in measuring thickness accurately.

Generally, ice for skating, walking, cross-country skiing, or fishing should be thicker than four inches and can support roughly 200 pounds. 

Ice for snowmobiles or ATVs should be five inches and can hold 800 pounds.

Eight to 12 inches of ice can support a small car or a larger group of people, while light pickup trucks or SUVs can clear ice 12 – 15 inches thick.

Have fun out there but be safe and use common sense. Check out Wolf Survival Gear for outerwear that will keep you warm.  

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: